Week of 27 Jan

Ameya Joshi
CS 373 Ameya Joshi
Published in
3 min readFeb 3, 2020

What did you do this past week?

Honestly, I haven’t done much of anything, but that’s mostly due to my classes being slow and not having much of a workload. I already took OOP, so I’m familiar with Collatz and don’t feel much pressure to start it because I can tell how long it’ll take me. Some of the basic stuff I did do was make a group and make somewhat of a guideline on a small project we’re going to work on, and I also got into the grind of classes and made a loose schedule for weekly work I’m going to have like reading and the blog posts.

What’s in your way?

I guess the biggest thing in my way is me being lazy. The only assignment I have right now is Collatz, and I probably could have finished it this week instead of leaving it for later, and laziness is the only reason I didn’t do so. I think that’s normal for the start of classes though, so I think I’ll get motivated and be more productive this week.

What will you do next week?

Next week, I only have two things to do. Collatz is naturally on the list, but I think I can finish that quite quickly. The other thing I have to do is prepare for the CNS Career Fair. I plan on graduating in December, so I’m assuming I need to start job hunting now. I don’t really know what to expect and how different it is from hunting for internships, so I guess I’ll have to see. My only concrete plans are to touch up my resume and meet with a career coach.

What was your experience of assertions, unit tests, coverage, and continuous integration?

I didn’t think anything in particular about them. I’m familiar with all these tools and their usage through OOP, so I’m aware of their benefits and think it’s a good thing to teach students.

What made you happy this week?

One of the things that I decided to do and think I’m progressing well in is not drinking any sodas. Up to college, I honestly only drank things like Coke once a month, because my main drink was milk tea, but then I started drinking soft drinks more and more as sides with my meals. I’ve started skipping soft drinks when I eat out or shop for groceries by just chugging on almond milk and using instant milk tea packets, so I’m happy to be able to live a healthier lifestyle.

What’s your pick-of-the-week or tip-of-the-week?

My tip of the week is more for anyone new to Professor Downing’s class, and it’s just “don’t let it overwhelm you”. I know many people dislike things like the cold calling, quizzes. and the extra work on projects like the issue tracking, but over time, they’re honestly just par for the course, and you’ll be able to things like predicting what questions might pop up on a quiz, so just stick to it.

