Featured Essays for Assignment #2

Chris Yeh
Blitzscaling: Class Notes and Essays
2 min readNov 17, 2015

As part of CS183C, the students write essays reflecting on the lectures and speakers they’ve seen. In many cases, they explore how blitzscaling applies to their own professional lives.

Here are the essays from Assignment #2 that we’ve chosen to feature:

Jocelyn dives deep into the implications of blitzscaling on hiring, and concludes, “ You may be able to ignore profitability, but hiring is a fire that cannot be allowed to fester.”

Jorge hit upon the importance of emotional maturity and self-awareness for making the changes required to blitzscale.

Skylar examined the relationship between product-market fit and hiring, and how smaller teams are often more capable of finding product-market fit.

Aaron synthesized the lessons of blitzscaling (including what he dubs “The Jeopardy Approach to Management”) and applied them to his own company, Alation. He also couldn’t help himself, and wrote an entire additional essay. Sorry, Aaron, but the class is Pass/Fail and doesn’t offer extra credit!

