CS2006 Individual Curation: Cyber-Bullying (Velyn)

Velyn Lee
CS2006 Final Project Submission
2 min readMar 23, 2015

Cyber-bullying distorts self-image, both literally and metaphorically.

It may shock you to know that the person responsible for this image could have created it for sheer amusement. Research shows that thousands bully out of boredom, deriving entertainment from the ‘light’ suffering of their victims, leading them to disfigure faces, tear down reputations, and ultimately, break souls.

This photo uses the interposition of an unattractive edited image of a girl over her actual face to show that the image has ‘replaced’ the face — the girl now views herself as ugly. Depth is created in the finer details of the edited image, as compared to the blurriness of the girl’s real face, hinting that the girl’s true identity has faded into the background to make way for the negative way she now perceives herself. This photo also uses the rectangular framing and the bright green colour of the phone cover, to draw attention to the distorted image. Moreover, the use of an Asian girl brings to mind associations of vulnerability and weakness, especially in a Westernized environment, helping viewers grasp the idea that the girl here is victimized. Her direct gaze is like a silent plea for rescue, evoking sympathy in viewers.

Taken from: http://www.straitstimes.com/sites/straitstimes.com/files/20140714/nxy%20cyber%20bully%201407e.jpg

The hurt caused by cyber-bullying is no less serious than that of physical abuse — this boy (above) has the scars to prove it. Just as physical punches leave bodily wounds, verbal blows leave inner scars, as highlighted by the ‘scars’ of negative words hurled at the boy in the photo. These words are seemingly printed on his body; they are as much a part of him as the rest of his body, they now form part of his identity. Cyber-bullying should not be trivialized because it causes real damage.

This photo uses a monochromatic colour scheme to reflect the dark period that the boy is going through. It sets a grave mood for the photo and reinforces the abject sense of hopelessness that the boy is feeling. Physically, the boy’s body is slumped in defeat and his eyes are downcast, possibly guiding viewers’ eyes downward to emphasize the words of abuse that mark his body. Furthermore, the boy is naked, creating a sense of innocence and vulnerability about him which prompts viewers to sympathize with him. His bare body also acts as a blank canvass for the negative words scrawled on it, magnifying their damage on an otherwise clean slate.

Taken from: http://cdn2.business2community.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/04/cyberbullying-impacts-teenagers.jpg

