CS2006 Individual Curation: Cyber-Bullying (Clara)

Velyn Lee
CS2006 Final Project Submission
3 min readApr 17, 2015

Cyber bullying is the usage of any electronic media — that ranges from mobile devices to the internet — to intimidate or cause emotional scarring and fear.

With Singapore having the highest smartphone penetration in the world, no doubt, more youths are having a phone of their own (CNA, 2015). Reports have also shown that 1 in 3 students in Singapore have been victims of cyberbullying. (Baig, 2014)

Source: http://www.rcmp-grc.gc.ca/cycp-cpcj/bull-inti/images/bull-inti.jpg

The purpose and intended audience is to remind victims of cyber bullying that they are not not alone in this situation. Many students around the world are also facing this problem.

Pathos is widely seen in this photo as it stirs audience emotions as we can infer that the subject in this photo has received an unpleasant text and she looked extremely distraught. One can also infer that it is the 3 females at the back bullying her.

Depth is also widely used in this photo as the subject is high in focus and the 3 bullies at the back is being blurred out. This blurring of the bullies, let the audience immediately infer that bullies are standing further away behind her and looking at the victim at the same time. The blurring of the bullies also gives the audience the natural tendency to focus on the victim, empathising with her.

As this photo is desaturated, it creates an emotional response that the mood, tone and feel of the photo is gloomy. Colour here plays an important role as it also creates an emotional response within the audience to empathise with the victim.

Source: http://feminspire.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/06/cyber-bullying.jpeg

The purpose of this photo is to let audiences know that calling other people names is very hurtful. The intended audience is to target bullies who always call people names either verbally or through texts.

This picture is definitely created within recent years as the text bubble around the victim is exactly similar to Apple’s iPhone message application text bubble.

The creator want to spark an pathos response to the bullies so that they can feel the hurt and anugish this victims are feeling. From this image we can tell that the victim had just cried. We can infer this because of the victim’s smeared eyeshadow/ mascara around the eye.

Constructivism is widely used in this photo as well. Instead of perceiving this photo as a whole, we scan this image and we slowly see the text messages around the subject and then we construct the whole photo accordingly. By slowly reading the words around the photo such as — ugly, hoe, stupid, whore, etc then we see a photo of the victim who had a smeared mascara around her eyes, we can immediately infer that she is a victim of cyber bullying.

