CS2006: The Pitch

Idea 1: The Contrivance of Instagram
In an age that has become increasingly digitalised, we find ourselves hyperaware of our image on Instagram. Our accounts are the platforms by which we construct the identity that we wish to present to society. The power to select and omit details in our photos and posts brings out the ostentatious nature of social media. We are thus interested in depicting the contrivance, pretence and “try too hard” quality of some of our lives displayed on this social media platform.
Update (18 Mar 15): We will be showing the reason why these aspects of Instagram are contrived.

Idea 2: Materialism/Consumerism
In the light of emerging economies and more people moving up the social ladder, we wanted to explore the effects of an increase in materialism in people, focusing especially on the youth. Some issues presented would be the reliance on material possessions to define one’s identity, and if the thirst to possess high-end products is a true representation of what today’s youths find satisfaction in. These are issues we would like to analyse and explore if they are problematic to society.

