Visual Curation

Aravind Mano
CS2006: The Contrivance of Instagram
2 min readMar 25, 2015

The Adobe advertisement is a celebration of how the use of photoshop has evolved into a tool for creating photos that depict whatever scenario and side of yourself you want to share with the world, which is in line with our project of how people create their social media identities. The tagline “Dream On” emphasizes the message of the infinite potential of its software. Its use of individuality as a persuasive technique is evident as well, with the idea that Adobe can be used to create special and original images different from those typically seen, a direct appeal to one’s desire to be unique and thought of as an individual.

The video is put together by showing how various images are enhanced and made to look more visually appealing with Photoshop using a point of view shot constantly throughout the ad, with the movement of the cursor on a ‘computer screen’ giving the viewer the idea that the software can be used by anyone easily. This is further enhanced with the use of bright, vibrant colours that aims to create a desire in the viewer to create such aesthetically pleasing content as well. This plays into our group concept of how contrived people’s social media identities are, with many using such images purely for the approval of and praise from their peers.

Visual Curation 2

Image by

The image shows the Facebook logo depicted as an iceberg, used as an indexical sign. The viewer, using logic, can infer the meaning signified by the image. The logo also is used as an analogical code, where the viewer identifies what the Facebook logo is being represented as. Elements of the image, like the logo being seen to be in water, provokes the mental comparison with an iceberg due to the resemblance between the two. Additionally, the blurred background of the image draws the viewer’s attention to the logo.

However, from a cultural context, this technique also seems to serve as a visual metaphor showing how much of our lives today is defined by our social media presence, with little importance placed on our real world identities. This is rather similar to our project idea of the excessive value we place on our social media or online personas. The use of the Facebook logo as an iceberg, particularly the tip of an iceberg, is also rather poignant as it implies how there is so much more to our personalities than our Facebook profile, similar to how it is well known that much of an iceberg lies beneath the surface. This serves as a persuasive tool as to why we should not be defined by it and is an accurate representation of the message our project is trying to conevey.

