
Ang Hwee Min
CS2006; counting the costs
1 min readApr 17, 2015

We intentionally divided the elements into the foreground and background, primarily to create distance and disparity between them. Apart from the positioning of the elements, we also used lighting to portray separation.

Our eyes are naturally drawn to the brighter areas of the image, hence, we first see the family eating in the background, before we eventually see the foreign domestic helper in the darker foreground. This contributes to the visual hierarchy in the image, further amplifying the concept of separation, and how the domestic helper appears to be insignificant and unnoticeable.

Everyone in the photo is eating, and this shared similarity indicates that they belong to the same household. A family eating together is also an indexical sign of familial bonds. Since the family members are seated at the table together and are in close proximity to each other, our minds will group them together.

However, the domestic helper is less well-lit and hence perceived as separate and further away. This juxtaposition highlights the idea of living in the same house and yet not being from the same family. This domestic helper is clearly sacrificing the familiarity of company back home and facing unwelcoming attitudes in a foreign country.

