The Manicurist

3/8 Photo series for Gender Stereotypes Campaign

The photo depicts a male manicurist painting a client’s nails. Although there is an increasing number of manicurists in Singapore, the number of male manicurists pales in comparison to that of females.

Despite the world becoming increasingly liberal, a stereotype against men working in artistic fields still exists. It is believed that men who work in these industries are effeminate. The extent of this label is magnified for males working in the fashion and beauty industry.

High-key lighting is used for the photo, creating an even and pleasant lighting of the subject.

Furthermore, the photo goes against expectations as patrons would not expect to see a male manicurist at a nail salon.

Regardless, the pleasant lighting and the natural setting helps to make the image less jarring for the viewer.

For the mise-en-scene, bottles of nail polish and other products commonly used by a manicurist can be seen. The model is also dressed like how a manicurist would dress, helping to sell the idea of him being a professional manicurist.

The calm look on the manicurist’s face suggests that he is at ease with, and in control of his surroundings.

