Blog Entry #10

Jeffrey Moulckers
CS371p Fall 2021: Jeffrey Moulckers
2 min readNov 6, 2021

This blog entry will cover updates on my progress in the past week in Object Oriented Programming with Professor Downing.

What did you do this past week?

This past week, I worked on completing Project 4 with my partner, and we were able to successfully pass all test cases within a day of the project being released. I used the extra resulting time to work on other classwork.

What’s in your way?

All that is left in my way is to complete all other procedural items for the project, including unit/acceptance testing, documentation, and submission. After this I plan to work on other classwork and getting caught back up with the newer topics in OOP.

What will you do next week?

Next week I will continue work on Project 4 as mentioned before, and I will work on getting caught up with topics such as vector, allocation, and iteration. My work will pick up by the end of next week so I need to get ahead now to be prepared.

If you read it, what did you think of the Paper #11: Getters and Setters?

The paper on getters and setters was interesting, in that it argued against a principle that one could argue is quite popular in software design. The fact that our project and this article had to explicitly argue against the use of getters and setters seems to expose some major flaws in most software systems, if the article’s argument is sound.

What was your experience of vector?

Vector seemed fairly straightforward this past week, but I have trouble understanding concepts oftentimes when the syntax seems fairly questionable. I need to take it upon myself to understand all syntactical concepts covered earlier in the semester to help myself out now.

What made you happy this week?

I enjoyed finishing the project early and opening up time to relax this weekend! Hopefully I can be rewarded with a horns win in football, and can have peace of mind for once throughout the weekend.

What’s your pick-of-the-week or tip-of-the-week?

My tip of the week is to take careful consideration when picking the various components that are to go into your new personal computer, especially when it is a personal laptop without the ability to be customized. My machine has struggled recently after around 4.5 years, and I just found that it will not support Windows 11 due to the processor failing to meet the hardware spec. Looking back, I specifically remember compromising on the processor and electing to choose a higher-end GPU that has seen little use.

