Blog Entry #5

Jeffrey Moulckers
CS371p Fall 2021: Jeffrey Moulckers
3 min readSep 26, 2021

This blog entry will cover updates on my progress in the past week in Object Oriented Programming with Professor Downing.

What did you do this past week?

This past week I recharged a bit after a tough previous week of classwork. My classes aligned to have nothing due this week, which was nice, so I tried to get ahead by taking a look at my upcoming projects. I began setting up the codebase for Project 2: Voting for OOP and was able to find a partner, which will help me get more virtual tokens for the semester.

What’s in your way?

As of now, I am a bit confused on the various cases found in the Voting project, so I need to review past lectures to get more insight into ways to solve the project. Other than this, I need to also set up the repository to include CI, and need to reach out to my partner to begin paired programming.

What will you do next week?

Next week I will focus on making progress on the Voting project, enough to feel comfortable going into ACL weekend. I will be limited on time to work on assignments during this weekend, so it is crucial that I make some headway on the project before it comes.

If you read it, what did you think of the Paper #5: Pair Programming?

I have always been skeptical on the effectiveness of paired programming, but I guess this paper had some good points on its effectiveness in real scenarios. To me, paired programming has always seemed to be a good idea theoretically, but has not shown me the results I expected when actually practiced.

What was your experience of vector, list, and deque, and invalidation?

I was glad to get a refresher on some of the built in data structures of C++, and I appreciate going through the reasons behind certain functions being omitted from their library for performance reasons. Additionally, I appreciate being told about invalidation before I make a similar mistake on a project and find myself wondering where I went wrong.

What made you happy this week?

I was happy to see the Horns win big at home this weekend. It is definitely a great day to be a Longhorn, especially when your only loss proves their strength by dominating the lesser Texas school from the southeast :)

What’s your pick-of-the-week or tip-of-the-week?

My pick-of-the-week is using Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL) when dealing with anything related to Python, C, Makefiles, etc. My experience has been filled with painstaking hours of Powershell installations when the mentioned shell is not used. Just do it, there is no use in stressing over doing these things natively in Windows for the sake of having it accessible directly in your file system.

