CS 371p Spring 2021: Brinda Prasad

Brinda Prasad
CS371p Spring 2021: Brinda Prasad
2 min readApr 26, 2021

What did you do this past week?

My partner for Project #5 and I have been chipping away at the Life project this week. We were able to start implementing most of the classes and worked mainly on implementing ConwayCell. We also clarified some of our questions during office hours. Aside from the project, I’ve just been attending lectures for SWE and OOP and doing a few essays in my other classes.

What’s in your way?

Everything’s kind of starting to ramp up, so I’m definitely dealing with a longer to-do list than normal. I have some bigger final projects and essays due soon and will have to plan carefully to make sure I get everything done in time.

What will you do next week?

My project partner and I are planning to continue meeting this week to work on Project #5 (Life). I’ll also be meeting with my SWE group to work on our last phase of IDB. Other than that, I’ve got a few final essays and presentations coming up.

If you read it, what did you think of the What Happens to Us Does Not Happen to Most of You?

I haven’t read it fully yet, but I’m looking forward to reading it!

What was your experience of Life and inheritance?

Life has been really cool to work on so far! I’m glad we did the Darwin project before this one since the grid and problem structure are somewhat similar. As for inheritance, it hasn’t been too hard of a concept to grasp. The way classes are derived in Life makes a lot of sense and the project itself seems straightforward. If anything, I’ve been stumbling a bit with C++ syntax, but it’s nothing a quick Google search doesn't fix.

What made you happy this week?

As always, I’ve just been spending a lot of time outside in the sun! It’s definitely been a nice break and I’m enjoying the change in scenery.

What’s your pick-of-the-week or tip-of-the-week?

My tip-of-the-week is to use the shortcut in Visual Studio Code to jump to a specific line of code when debugging. Here it is:

Mac: cmd+p+:

Windows / Linux: ctrl+g

Then, enter in the line number you want to jump to. That’s all!

