Blog 9: Finishing IDB Phase 2

Nicholas Ehlers
CS373 Spring 2022: Nicholas Ehlers
3 min readMar 28, 2022

1. What did you do this past week?

This past week I worked with my group to complete Phase 2 of the IDB project while also juggling simultaneous projects and essays in other classes. Implementing the backend portion of the project did produce some struggles for my group, but the project is turning out great overall.

2. What’s in your way?

At the moment, my group just needs to put the finishing touches on our Phase 2 product, and then we should be ready for submission. Unfortunately, many of my classes follow very similar deadlines, so I have other projects that need work as well, but the semester is really helping me with my planning and time management skills.

3. What will you do next week?

Next week I will begin to work on Phase 3 with my group and I will also work on other projects for different classes. I am looking forward to Phase 3 because the project will likely come together quite well in that phase with near completion to the working backend.

4. What did you think of Paper #9: Dependency Inversion Principle?

I thought Paper #9 was a nice follow-up and expansion upon the previous papers we have read in the series. This paper echoes similar principles with how abstract classes are very important for the utility expansion for dependent software. I enjoyed this particular paper because it served to reinforce the material we have already covered while also further explaining the importance of structuring the dependencies between programs.

5. What was your experience of decorators, Cache, and functions?

This week’s lecture material was new to me and I initially found difficulty in understanding what was happening. By the end of the week and through the completion of the exercise, I felt as though I understood decorators and how they can be written in a clean way.

6. What made you happy this week?

This week, I was very happy to catch up on a lot of work that I had a difficult time completing prior to Spring Break. Though the adjustment of returning to class after a vacation was difficult, I felt very productive and completed almost everything I wanted to. I also enjoyed watching basketball and hanging out with my friends.

7. What’s your pick-of-the-week or tip-of-the-week?

This article describes developing prototype software that hopes to bring increased safety to roadways. Mazda is currently working on a project involving driver-oriented cameras and sensors that would observe whether the driver of a vehicle is experiencing a medical emergency. Should an emergency occur, the sensors would detect an incapacitated driver and safely guide the vehicle to the side of the road while contacting emergency services. A potential expansion to this technology would be its application to distracted driving and a subsequent elimination of thousands of automotive-related deaths each year. While this article is not entirely about the software development space, it highlights a new area of software development within the automotive industry.

