Corporate Service Corps is about to land in Halifax for its 1st Canadian endeavour

Ana Maria Bezerra Maimoni
CSC Canada 1 — Halifax
5 min readSep 19, 2018

Here I am to start with my first post in order to share a new experience coming from my side regarding my Corporate Service Corp (CSC) program assignment. At this moment, I can tell you that it has been a mix of feelings of enthusiasm, anxiety, hope and, more importantly, learning, since I was informed back in October of 2017 that I was selected to join this program by CSC leaders. According to feedback from alumni in their return from this assignment, it is a life-changing experience they take for life. Of course, my expectation gets even higher and this makes me feel more than happy!

Having said that, let’s get started by using the five basic "w" questions to help you understand key concepts of the program and get you on board with me.

  1. What is CSC program about ?

IBM designed Corporate Service Corps initiative which runs since 2008 across the globe with the aim of training a new generation of truly global leaders in a 21st Century context for business, which is diverse, complexly connected, environmentally ruled and individual-oriented.

Through a pro bono consulting program, it provides a unique opportunity for the best IBM leaders to make an impact on the communities they are assigned to by addressing high-priority social and economic issues these communities are facing. A triple benefit in place:

  1. Participants receive leadership training and development;
  2. Communities have IBM’s best solving skills to work with;
  3. IBM gains best formed leaders.

This year, the CSC program is celebrating its 10th anniversary. The numbers below present some important achievements made so far. Congrats CSC team, well done!

2. Where does CSC program run?

The first 10 years of CSC engagements have been strictly in growth markets. However, starting this year, along with the growth market locations, CSC is deploying teams in more developed markets in the US, Canada, Japan, Australia and Western Europe.

Halifax, Nova Scotia location

I'm fortunate to be assigned to the first CSC deployment in Canada and be part of CSC Canada 1 team to serve the Halifax community. It was a huge surprise to me, since I didn't know much about this Canadian region — thus, I started my research on Nova Scotia right away!

One interesting thing I’ve learned about Halifax, capital of Nova Scotia province, is that it played a specific role in the Titanic story. Hours after the Titanic sank, White Star Line commissioned cable ships based in Halifax to recover the bodies of the victims. Of the 209 bodies brought to Halifax, 150 were laid to rest in three cemeteries in Halifax. Kind of sad, but at the same time cool – at least for those with a passion for movies.

Hope I have a chance to explore and learn much more about this amazing place in Canada in my in-country assignment!

3. Why a program like that in Canada ?

Some may hesitate about serving on a CSC team deployed to a country with a highly developed economy. To be frank with you, that was exactly what first came up to my mind. However, after getting into more details on the program I could realize the following thoughts which make much sense to me:

  • All countries, much alike every individual, have something they can improve;
  • There is not a single country on Earth that has fully met all of their goals for their entire population, so all countries need some help.

4. When does CSC program happen ?

I’ve learned that there are CSC team deployments in several countries, running at the same time. Ever since I started following CSC in social media, I've been able to see many posts from different teams sharing their stories and great moments.

CSC1 Canada Team

In my case, my effective assignment started in July, 2018 with the kick-off meeting to introduce the CSC Canada 1 team of 16 participants from 7 countries (Brazil, Argentina, Philippines, India, Australia, Denmark and Romania). That was the first opportunity for us to connect to each other in a virtual room and receive first guidance on the next steps of our CSC journey.

From that point, we started what they call pre-work phase with three months term. That came with a structured learning plan for us to be prepared with the skills, capabilities and all information we need before the in-country assignment. Moreover, that is the way to get the whole team connected and get to know one another better. In about a week from now, we will be closing this phase to finally meet the team in person by landing in Halifax for afour weeks in-country assignment. Almost there!

It has been a great experience so far to see such a diverse team, whose members have never even met before, getting together with a common sense of doing the best to the Halifax community and making this experience a success to all!

5. Who is involved in the program ?

A global team from IBM supports CSC program, including high level executives who are committed to provide all support we need to execute our mission.

Since 2009, Digital Opportunity Trust (DOT) is one of four NGO implementation partners selected to facilitate CSC program. DOT’s local expertise and networks are leveraged in targeting communities to create innovative, high-impact, and meaningful CSC deployments that address local socioeconomic priorities.

Through DOT, CSC Canada 1 team was introduced to the actual clients, each one with specific requirements but a common goal of better serve Halifax and the Nova Scotia community itself.

By partnering with clients’ team, the main objective is to help them in their journey to build the capabilities required to take them from the current scenario to the target scenario in line with local community needs.

CSC1 Canada Clients

That's really exciting, isn't it ?

More to come… Be tuned to get into the following posts to capture some of other moments of my CSC experience.

Looking forward to working with the CSC Canada 1 team, clients and the Halifax (and Dartmouth) community for this great adventure. Wish all the best to all of us and success in our mission!

