D- Day today… the 1st October

Aishwarya Gupta
CSC Canada 1 — Halifax
3 min readOct 1, 2018

Coincidentally the most important day in NOVA SCOTIA -Treaty Day!!!

It has been a roller coaster ride and enthusiasm was on its height since the CSC Canada1 team was announced from visa hassles, surprising immigration experiences to landing here in Halifax! And on the other side in Halifax there was a super efficient amazing lady managing all arrangements and logistics to make our journey memorable and smooth — Liesl Mulholland, Program Manager from Digital Opportunity Trust “DOT”. She was at the airport whole day welcoming all of us with full energy in spite of having so much work and our teams arrived at different times.

The Team together at waterfront

She is our first inspiration in Halifax to learn that peak of your work cannot stop you to give an overwhelming client experience, if you are determined.

I am so overwhelmed that I decided to pen this down at the 5am in the morning and could not stop myself to write about my landing experience with Liesl and the wonderful energetic CSC team whom I met the next day and we all mingled up like a FAMILY in no time.

Me with Liesl

After a long 3 months of preparing ourselves for this day along with our full time jobs, we are here standing to be a part of marking the very first team deploying in Canada from CSC program and all eyes are on us to see what difference we will make to the community of Nova Scotia.

The expectations are huge for being the first one and setting the path for future teams who will look up to us to guide and mentor. And we are learning that from our lovely mentors here — Rick Power, Andrew MacDonald and Mark Campbell — They were amazingly helpful and have been very proactive in making us comfortable and settled in Halifax.

Our Mentors Rick and Mark

Add to our excitement, we were taken to MacNab’s Island on Saturday afternoon and it was a lifetime experience to watch the ocean coming alive with boats, yachts, very bright lighthouse and some big ships arriving in. The excitement filled us with avalanche of energy to pursue our work with full dedication and we are now ready to witness :

The D- Day today … the 1st October —coincidentally the most important day in NOVA SCOTIA celebrated as The Treaty Day

Treaty Day is celebrated by Nova Scotians annually on October 1 in recognition of the Treaties signed between the British Empire and the Mi’kmaq people. The day October 1 was chosen because the Treaty of 1752 designated October 1 as the date on which the Mi’kmaw people would receive gifts from the Crown to “renew their friendship and submissions.” The purpose of Treaty Day is also to promote public awareness about the Mi’kmaw culture and heritage for all citizens of Nova Scotia. Treaty Day marks the beginning of Mi’kmaq History Month.

I am so proud to be part of this historic celebration and have double reason to celebrate as we mark the starting of our assignment with the 4 organizations on the same day.



Aishwarya Gupta
CSC Canada 1 — Halifax

Communications Leader, Sr Program Manager and Strategy Consultant @IBM