Until we meet again!!!

Aishwarya Gupta
CSC Canada 1 — Halifax
3 min readNov 3, 2018

What a life changing experience it was!!!

CSC CANADA1 Team on Community Service Day in Halifax

I am talking about the most promising result oriented leadership development program — IBM Corporate Service Corp which has come to an end on 27th Oct 2018 for CSC CANADA1 team — The first one to the developed country of Canada and people say that first ones are always special …Now I believe in it that indeed, they are in terms of setting the bar for next ones , setting the expectations for future teams and of course showing how much fun & frolic it can be when you are on CSC mission.

It was the last morning in my hotel with a stunning view from my window and while looking outside I was sipping coffee with a mixed feeling of happiness to reunite with my family soon but the very next moment my heart was sinking to realize that I may not meet my CSC friends again anytime soon! That was one of the fastest month I lived in my life like a flash of pictures in your camera :)

In between all of this the reminder in my phone rang to do a quick check on the final presentation I was supposed to deliver that day to our clients — “Our final deliverable and a closing ceremony”. The very thought made me nervous for a while, but I was confident enough to tell myself that we (Me, Ilan, Saptarshi and Katrina) have been working really hard to understand the on-the-ground challenges of the ocean industry here in Halifax and I am sure our consulting can help them to bring a positive difference in enabling the youth of Nova Scotia and making them aware about the wide variety of new careers opening in oceans.

The thoughts were flowing like a dream running in my mind and it gave me confidence that this one month of our pro bono consulting will open new doors for COVE (Center for Ocean Ventures and Entrepreneurship) - and IBM together to be able to bring a much needed paradigm shift in the Nova Scotia community and ultimately Canada as a whole in the long term.

Well the closing ceremony started and it went so well. All four sub teams have done fantastic job in going deep into understanding the current scenarios and using their expert skills in providing the best recommendations which I am sure the Nova Scotia community will benefit to a great extent including enhancing our leadership skills in this one month .

Closing ceremony witnessed a grand gathering from all four of our host organizations present and giving us the best hospitality experience to make our stay memorable and unforgettable.

You can see below pictures to feel the warmth we got from people of Nova Scotia.

We certainly lived this wonderful dream with honor, excitement and surprises every day! No more words to describe them .. Just sharing some pictures which are worth a thousand words.

Sayonara Canada !!! Until we meet again :)

Closing Ceremony



Aishwarya Gupta
CSC Canada 1 — Halifax

Communications Leader, Sr Program Manager and Strategy Consultant @IBM