Aishwarya Gupta
CSC Canada 1 — Halifax
3 min readSep 24, 2018


I very much believe in what Steve Jobs & Albert Einstein said once-

Design is a funny word. Some people think design means how it looks. But of course, if you dig deeper, it’s really how it works. Steve Jobs

We can’t solve problems by using the same kind of thinking we used when we created them. Albert Einstein

In today’s era of disruptive technologies and fast changing needs of the world we are living in; the business problems are no longer simple, and nor do they have straight forward solutions.

In that case what can you do differently to create a WOW factor?

And how to keep away that tremendous pressure so that you can think of new innovative ideas?

Design Thinking is the new art of solving the client problems!!!

The art helps you to focus and give time to develop ideas, explore problems deeply rather than superficially, and test those ideas multiple times with people struggling to solve that problem at hand. We call it a LOOP.

At times you need to re-think from different angles by putting on your six thinking hats. Solving complex business problems is not always about giving ground breaking ideas or solutions. It is more about understanding or feeling the issue which our end clients are facing, while caring for the people who are impacted by the problems directly. Sometimes it is as simple as bringing in discipline, streamlining the process, or renovating things systematically to help clients convert their business ideas into reality or to help them visualize their issues and think of appropriate ways forward.

You must be wondering why I am talking about all this here?

Because DESIGN THINKING is going to be the core of our work as consultants to uncover the actual root causes of their problems and provide them the best optimal solutions. It is our responsibility to not only provide them the solution but prepare them with the tools like practicing & learning the art of using design thinking, so that they are equipped with the best ways to find the solution of their problems even in future.

While we partner as consultants with four Nova Scotia institutions -

(1) The Nova Scotia Department of Education and Early Childhood Development

(2) Institute for Ocean Research Enterprise (IORE)

(3) Nova Scotia Community College (NSCC)

(4) Immigrant Services Association of Nova Scotia (ISANS)

to develop projects that are tied to the province’s development goals and will benefit the Halifax, we will also try to inculcate the art of Design Thinking in them — (one of the powerful human centred approach which helps you to focus on a complicated but real problem in our community).

The big difference here is the structured and logical approach which we will try to bring on the table by collaborating with their different stakeholders for understanding and exploring all possible problems, evaluating risks and recommending measures to tackle them.

Until then, stay connected! I will come back with more details on how and what miracles were uncovered by the art of design thinking during our journey in Halifax, Nova Scotia.



Aishwarya Gupta
CSC Canada 1 — Halifax

Communications Leader, Sr Program Manager and Strategy Consultant @IBM