[Research] on Richard,Loomio co-founder
PART1. 효선
국제교류학교 프로그램 액션트랙 행사 준비로 조사한 내용 공유합니다. 먼저, 행사를 함께 할 리차드에 대해 알아보고 있습니다. 그는 뉴질랜드에서 “루미오”라는 협업 소통 툴을 만든 사람들 중 한명입니다. (Loomio : an online collaborative decision making tool)
이름: Richard D. Bartlett
나이: 31
역할: Director of Autonomy at Loomio
“He believes in the boundless potential of small self-organising groups to reshape society in a way that works for the planet.” (refer to Enspiral website)
궁금한 포인트
루미오가 만들어진 배경과 협업하면서의 소통방법 노하우가 궁금했습니다. 대부분 내용은 인터뷰에 나와있어서 아래에 공유합니다. 행사할 때에는 좀 더 체험적으로 — 루미오를 직접 다 같이 해보거나(그러려면 의사결정할 issue가 필요할테고), collab cafe 등 retreat 때 워크샵 방법을 직접 경험해보면 좋겠습니다.
1.루미오를 만들게 된 계기
Why did you get involved with Loomio?
I have a background in open source hardware (as Rich Decibels) and creative community organising (with Concerned Citizens Collective). I got swept up in the Occupy movement when it arrived in Wellington in 2011. I’ve always been pretty concerned about the so-called ‘wicked problems’ facing society: runaway climate change, resource depletion, ecosystem collapse, and the pervading sense of alienation throughout society… This Occupy experience totally transformed my view on all that — it was the first time I’ve ever really had any hope for the future. My participation in that movement lead me to believe that there’s no problem that can’t be solved by an engaged community of empathetic equals. Occupy totally changed my life, and my hope is that Loomio can make that transformative experience much more sustainable, and accessible to millions of other people.
(reference: http://blog.loomio.org/2013/08/27/our-people-richard-bartlett-director-of-autonomy/)
…In fact, according to Richard, Occupy was foundational as an experience in understanding non-hierarchical and inclusive decision making. As he explains, Loomio was an expression of the reflections and evaluations on Occupy … and as Occupy converged with Enspiral through the development of Loomio, Loomio’s design ecology included solving decisioning making challenges for the Enspiral enterprise, as well as for the next generation of creative activism worldwide.
2. 협업을 위한 소통,의사 결정 방법 팁
What’s your one big tip for collaborative decision making?
Over and over again we’ve seen that an engaged group of people with diverse perspectives will come to better outcomes than anyone individual will come up with on their own. It is possible for a group to develop a culture that makes these moments of ‘radical insight’ happen more frequently: you need mutual respect, empathy, and enough context to make sure everyone is on the same page. A bit of process is good, but if you find yourself getting legalistic, or hung up on details, it probably indicates a deeper problem.
(reference: http://blog.loomio.org/2013/08/27/our-people-richard-bartlett-director-of-autonomy/)
3. 주연
루미오를 시작하게 된 계기가 Occupy 운동이라는 점이 흥미롭네요.
요즘 한국에서도 박근혜-최순실 게이트로 권력남용, 정경 유착, 카르텔 형성, 언론의 편향성과 불투명성 등등의 이슈가 떠오르고 대통령 퇴진 시위가 한창이잖아요. 2008년 촛불시위를 떠올리는, 아니 넘어서는 성숙한 시민문화와 새로운 집회문화가 펼쳐지기도 하지만 장기화 되면서 박근혜 퇴진 후 대안이 있나, 라는 회의적인 목소리가 나오기도 하는데 루미오가 추구하는 민주적인 토론과 의사결정이 어떤 시사점을 줄 수 있을지요.
리차드의 미디움을 보다 보니 다음 글이 연관점이 있겠다 싶네요. 프랑스의 Nuit Debout 시위 참가자와 나눈 대화를 옮긴 것으로, 시위가 실패하거나 끝나고 다음 과정이 보이지 않는 곳에서 진행될 때 참여자들은 거기서 창출된 가치들을 어떻게 삶으로 가져올 것인가에 대한 내용도 있어요.
“What happens once the protestors go home?” https://medium.com/@richdecibels/what-happens-once-the-protestors-go-home-733f4d42ec15