[Research on] Enspiral

Jinsil Bak
Published in
6 min readNov 22, 2016

# What is Enspiral?

More people working on stuff that matters

Powerful things take place when like minded people connect.

<What is Enspiral?>2014

YouTube 동영상에서, 스스로 Enspiral을 각자 어떻게 표현하는지

Q1. What is Enspiral ?

network, collection of socially conscious people, high quality,

Q2. What is working at Enspiral like for you?

actually involve in decision making, automatically care in what you do, feel like need to take action more

Q3. How is Enspiral different from other organizations?

Distributing equitably, process and technology, improve team communication

Q4. What is the role of values at Enspiral?

create value for people economic paradigm not excluding community value

more people start working on what matters.

  • 핵심버전영상

#Enspiral People

People are at the heart of Enspiral

The Enspiral Foundation connects people and companies in the Enspiral network. Committed members are the stewards of the Foundation, each taking responsibility to grow the network, develop our businesses and create the community benefits that underpin our work.

Enspiral is a wide and diverse network of people. The Foundation Members listed below are supported by an active network of 150+ contributors and friends from New Zealand and around the world.

Find out how Enspiral Contributors and Foundation Members join and relate to the network, and the expectations that come with participation in the collective

Joshua Vial


Joshua spends his time imagining and implementing organising systems, especially when he gets to steal patterns from programming. He loves technology, entrepreneurship, leadership, teaching and people. Joshua is active across several Enspiral ventures and yearns for a comprehensive theory of decentralised organising alongside a complementary suite of open source tools.

Richard D. Bartlett


Rich is Director of Autonomy at Loomio. He believes in the boundless potential of small self-organising groups to reshape society in a way that works for the planet.

Alanna Krause

-Bossless Leadership

Alanna is a co-founder of Loomio and a director of the Enspiral Foundation. She’s passionate about innovating processes, technology, and structures for positive social impact.

Ben Knight


Ben is a co-founder of Loomio. He has a research background in cognitive neuroscience and the evolution of collective intelligence, and a practical background in community coordination, social justice organising, media and communications.

+다른 분들도 있음..!(http://enspiral.com/about-enspiral/people/)

#Enspiral Activities / keywords

최근의 활동 eg. on Youtube, Stewardship Upgrade Project

(올해 6월즈음에 proposal됨) -New version for Enspiral — proposed changes

:Structures for a Thriving Network -> response : Network structures response from JV

cf) 이 과정에서 자주 등장한 단어표현들:

contributor, private, new person arriving enspiral, sequence into deeper engagement, not super intentional but get a sense of togetherness, have a same way of thinking as you do

how ask contributions, internally focusing working group : fascilitate decision making process. network maintenance work

consulting group pledge to share the income income is deeply intertwined with it need to have their own finances (strong pattern)

stable, governance phase producing something common eg. lumio enspiral finance — little sustainable businesses other groups can participate. used in other projects

any member can invite any contributor

buddy and new contributor alignment is random.

1 catalyot with 3 members

New version for Enspiral — proposed changes

network issues eg. not sure how to help people and ventures in the network

Loomio peer stewarding -> feel stable ‘what do you want me to remind you up?’

different levels) Tight Loose

protocols(network)enspiral network impact hub platform COOPS

culture(communiy) eg. enspiral labs enspiral wallington enspiral services A Cohort


people (indibiduals)co founder friends

엔스파이럴을 처음 시작한 ‘조슈아 비알(Joshua Vial)

엔스파이럴을 함께 창업하고 현재 전반적인 운영을 담당하고 있는 ‘리차드 바틀렛(Richard Bartlett)’

Alanna Krause, Enspiral

[Inventing a New Organizational Operating System] on Youtube

want to make positive large social impact

empowering people

“What I do is called management?” -> how can you motivate people when you can’t tell them what to do?

When the cost of transacting information goes through the floor a new type of organisation is possible <-a quote brought from her friend

new social movement eg. occupy, arab spring

coordination and valuing individuals’ ideas

>bottom-up > top-down

disorganised coordinated

slow fast

inclusive exclusionary

empowering coercive


coordinated fast inclusive empowering

just removing hierarchy creates vaccume

consciously create work on ourselves

“Culture is the software with which we negotiate the social world”

-> technology is a tool but culture is the operating system. It decides

-> degital technology Cultural technology , how they affect each other?

More people working on stuff what matters

culture creates technology, and technology creates culture.

Cultural technology

pratical process, what practices we do as people


MiX M-Prize Winner Digital Freedom Challenge

When Business Met Occupy : Innovating for True Collaborative Decision-Making

Collaborative Funding : Dissolve Authority you feel like you are an investor

Empower Everyone, and Crowdsource a Smarter Transparent Budget

recognize and value facilitation

Good business leaders care about…

-engagement &motivation

-shared ownership of outcome

-meangingful transparency

-strategic thinking

-emplyee wellbeing

-leadership at every level

-efficiency & costs savings

-better decisions & results

=> The best from individual & The best from Group

<Espiral Foundation Presentation> 2013 6월 Retreat에서 Alanna가 발표

Enspiral Foundation ; is the glue that connects all the people and companies in the network and exists to increase the capacity of social entrepreneurship around the world.

It holds Enspiral intellectual property and the infrastructure that enables members to communicate with one another and makes decisions


*connects us

*holds the brand

*face of enspiral

*social mission

Enspiral Foundation


The board of Directors : Vivien,Anake, Joshua, Josh, Alanna,Silvia(and rich as secretary)

The Shareholders : all espiral members have one share each. One person, one vote

Operations : Alanna’s role

In practice : rabid, chalkle, enspiral engineering, enspiral services, Bucky Box, Loomio, enspiral craftworks

- Diverse Relationships :

- Revenue Sharing : Services, Loomio, Rabid, Legal, Accounting, Engineering

- Equity : Bucky Box, Spaces, Metric Engine

- TBD : Chalkle, Skowt

- connected into diverse ways, determine how they want to contribute, autonomous

- How we come together:



Members meetings

Board of Directors

Enspiral Space


Shared policies eg. Enspiral Diversity Policy (put on loomio)

- Time for a shift:

Minimize costs. Maximize autonomy and collaboration eg. Website, Collaborative Funding

-> the end of the support crew

splitting servies and foundation

lean, mean social change machine

-Collaborative Funding

Eg. buckets.enspiral.com

Buckets are your way to ask the wider group for funding from the collective budget. Think of it like an internal kickstarter.

What’s happening now :

-Good for Nothing Challenge Cambodia: Phnom Penh, Cambodia, 4월 1–6, 2013

-Social Entrepreneur Inters & Good Enterprise Workshops (12인턴 in Enspiral)

-Rails Girls Wellington (getting women involve in coding and technology)

-Social Enterprise Week

-LifeHack (1st million $ project !! And they found us!) & Partnership with the Ministry of Social Development(뉴질랜드)

“LIFEHACK’s mission is to produce radical strategies, new technologies, and media solutions that will change the way people perceive, navigate and act towards youth mental health”

No one else could do this like we can..

business / technology/ startups/communication/collaboration/social change/professional

Heralding a new phase : Demonstrated value and will get more resources

# 그럼 우리는 무엇이 중요헌디!?

용’s 자체 평가^^

-We are getting noticed

eg. news, city council, mayor, ministries

-What matters: trust, autonomy, shared vales, collaboration, going out and doing stuff

-What doesn’t : strict definitions(of what level of engagement you are in), always having a plan or knowing what you’re doing

-Need good transparency and collaboration tools and environments that work.

행사에서 이야기 했으면 하는 포인트는? (트루’s)

Ensiral에서 추구하는 수평적인 의사소통 방법을 자신이 속한 모임(조직)에서 실제로 실천할 수 있는 계기를 만들어 주었으면 합니다. 좋은 의사소통은 개인만 효과적인 방법을 인식할 때 이뤄지는 것이 아니라, 조직의 구성원들이 그것을 인지하고 방법을 익혔을때 실현될 수 있기 때문입니다.


수평적인 의사소통을 고민하고 있는 조직,모임을 대상으로

각 조직(모임)의 실제 의사소통에 관한 고민을 나눠봅니다. (고민 공유하면서리차드와 이야기 할 지점도 생길 것 같습니다.)

그런뒤 ‘루미오’를 배우고 , 이것을 이용해 실제로 겪고 있는 문제를 풀어보는 워크숍을 해봤으면 합니다.

