Do you care enough to make things better?

A question for tough times

Amber at Maison d'Evangeline
4 min readMar 23, 2020
Image source: Pexels

Given the current state of things, I’ve been unsure whether to keep working or do something else. But what else? And is the work necessary?

A little light showed itself Friday morning and prompted me to write and podcast about it. I’m including that here (along with the transcript), in case it might help you gain some direction, too.

Show Notes

Length: 00:05:59


When I look around at the state of things, it’s easy to get disheartened. Not only is there a lot of hardship and uncertainty, but times like these bring out the best in people and also the worst.

People are doing things that are inconsiderate, selfish, self-serving. They don’t stop to think that what they might be doing could influence someone other than themselves. They don’t care.

Over the last week or so, I’ve considered writing a piece about what’s been going on lately and my frustration over it…



Amber at Maison d'Evangeline

Writer, wobbly guide, and shopkeeper behind Maison d’Evangeline