Hard stuff

Amber at Maison d'Evangeline
2 min readApr 27, 2020

(And why it’s your only shot)

Photo by Library of Congress on Unsplash

Note: This article was originally published at CSCTP.today in audio form, which you can find here.

I pay attention to a lot of personalities online. What usually attracts me to them is a unique position or viewpoint I can’t find anywhere else.

Over time, a lot of these same personalities end up shifting their focus to things like “How to Build an Online Empire,” “How to Build an Internet Business,” etc. Over a little more time, their message becomes diluted and unrecognizable. I stop following them.

Challenge #1: Eliminating the Competition

The hard thing, nobody’s doing.

The easy thing, you see everywhere.

If it’s low-hanging fruit for you, that’s true for your competition, too.

If it’s hard for you, you’ve immediately eliminated 90% (probably more like 99%) of the crowd.

Challenge #2: Being You

What makes you different, what makes you unique, is also what makes it so hard to be you, because it makes you feel isolated and uncertain. It makes you lack confidence, because being you is not a proven strategy for success, so you just do what everyone else does, and that just makes you a second-rate version of them.



Amber at Maison d'Evangeline

Writer, wobbly guide, and shopkeeper behind Maison d’Evangeline