How to land a new job?

Thousands of people lost their jobs because of the Coronavirus crisis; if you are one of them, this article will help you to land a new job.

3 min readApr 3, 2020


Coronavirus caused an economic recession; people are staying at home, avoiding spending extra money and saving more for an uncertain future. It seems like the world has been paused.

Source: Novoresume blog

Many of the industries such as tourism and leisure & hospitality has been affected by the lockdown in cities all over the world.

Employees working in those industries have lost jobs and income to survive.

“Tourism and airlines have been particularly battered, as the world’s citizens hunker down to minimize contact and curb the spread of the highly contagious COVID-19 respiratory illness. But few sectors have been spared by a crisis threatening a lengthy global recession.”- World Economic Forum

The situation might last until the end of the year, with some countries predicted to suffer until Spring 2021.

If you are in one of the industries, you need to prepare and be ready to find a new job.

  1. Create an Awesome resume to impress future employers.

Creating an Awesome resume is a way to make a great first impression on the future employer. Nowadays, having a beautifully designed resume does not require much effort or a lot of designer skills.


Canva gives you free tools to create professional resumes in a few easy steps. You can scroll their high-quality resume templates and choose the most suitable for you; modifying there is extremely easy.


Novoresume is another great platform that provides beautiful templates to build your resume.

Novoresume offers 1-month free premium subscription due to Coronavirus Situation.

2. Become more valuable/Enhance your professionalism

You might be good at your job. But when your bosses start laying people off, being good is not enough. You have to be indispensable or as famous Seth Godin would say you need to become“Linchpin”

Seth Godin describes a Linchpin as somebody in an organization who is indispensable — who simply cannot be replaced because their role is just far too unique and valuable.

This is a great time to learn something new and develop yourself. Lots of online education platforms offer free courses and certifications. Unesco has launched the Global Education Coalition to bring together those companies that provide free resources.

Furthermore, you can find some of our favorite free courses that you can start learning today in the Medium Article below:

3. Switch Career

While professionals from previously mentioned industries experience losing jobs, there are some industries that stay important and need new employees.

Identifying Opportunities

You can start exploring different roles in those industries and start learning new skills to have a greater chance to be valuable for the companies that continue operating and providing products and services to its customers. This will help you to earn money.




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