Human is the sun for human!

Mariam Gurchiani
Published in
5 min readApr 10, 2020

In recent months, televisions, various organizations, bloggers and influencers have been working tirelessly to offer a helping hand to the locked-up world and inspire them in the ways that will help them in this difficult time not to give up to despair.

What I am going to tell you now, was meant to be crowned as the main idea at the end of an article, however, I think I am even obliged to explain to you at the beginning why I am going to make you sad with heavy information.

The only reason why I’m writing about this topic is that I want everyone to have a better understanding of the responsibilities that each of us has in the current reality.

Because people around us need our help more than ever and because in parallel with light there is always darkness, but we can’t forget that human is the sun for human!

I decided to stop discussing the bright sides of current events. However, no, I will not remind you about the statistics of the death rate, nor the negative impact of the virus on the economics.

This time I want to talk about you! Medical workers, police officers, shop consultants, and their family members.

About you, who are dying of nervousness before your precious person returns home healthy from duty; about teachers who need to mobilize one hundred percent of their energy to deal with a number of difficulties in the online learning process; I want to talk about those of you whose businesses (in which you have invested the last cashflows) are ruined; about people who are far from home, stay without income.

This article is about people around me who are trying to use this time productively - practice, draw, watch interesting movies, but still have too much time to think about depressing things; this article is about parents who’re trying find the ways to feed their families; this article is about your children, old parents, and friends. It concerns those of you who have already suffered from agoraphobia, social anxiety disorder or bacillus phobia.

So, if you haven’t thought what the world is facing, think about it now, because the answer sounds scary - aggravation of mental health problems.

Our hearts are deeply touched by the fact that lots of families are happy to be together, having a lot of fun. But how many of us have thought about families where women, men, or children are victims of violence?

What happens now behind the walls of their house when they’re spending 24 hours together?

For me, my house is the center of the universe, a place where I always wish to get as soon as it’s possible. This makes me doubly think about how dangerous is the fact, that a house isn’t a safe place for countless people.

Nowadays, when people discuss the situation of their friends or family members in quarantine conditions, they often use the concepts proposed by Carl Jung like: “My son is extrovert and this situation is unusual for him. It takes a lot of energy for us to force him to stay at home.” Or -’’ For me, as an introvert, quarantine hasn’t changed the situation significantly. Being at home has always been my hobby. “

But the reality is that for both - extroverts and introverts, sitting at home with a lot of people for a few months has nothing to do with a comfort zone.

What happens when extroverts get mad at being surrounded by a few people all the time? Or when introverts want to stay alone, but family members are making it impossible? Or when one family is a combination of introverts and extroverts?

No matter how iconic a family relationship is, probably after a few months of forced cohabitation, they’ll definitely get bored of each other.

Another question arises: what is doing people who can’t work remotely?

Don’t you think, that they have too much time to think? It’s easy to call people to use time productively, but in reality, it’s not that easy to take control of the reins. The bad news is that we all know - over-thinking can lead to depression, not only genius thoughts.

The energy we put into the projects were thrown into the water. Our plans have been postponed indefinitely. Personally I can say that I had the most productive period of my life when COVID-19 start spreading and suddenly nothing left from my success.

Now I want to remind you about the old people you saw every day before quarantine started. You saw them walking alone on the streets (sometimes carrying heavy bags alone); you met them in the subway, with outstretched hands; remember when they asked you to buy a bouquet of flowers or packaged fruit?

Where are they now? Do all of them have family members who’re caring about them? Do they all have someone to talk with? Do they have someone to send to the store when needed?

I’ve heard from a lot of young people in recent months, that they don’t care much about the new Coronavirus, because if they become infected, their young body will deal with it easily. But even those people feel uncertain anxiety when they press their finger on the elevator button or enter/exit the store.

After this can you imagine the thoughts of the elderly, the fears of them when they need to go out to buy medicines and products? They know, that pandemic is the most dangerous for them. Can you imagine how lonely they feel?

The Hidden Covid-19 Crisis: Elderly People Are Dying From Isolation.

Exacerbating mental health problems is one of the terrible challenges we face. This is a mine and to neutralize it somehow, states, organizations, and each member of society must take care of each other, because we’re in this together!

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