Soseas Uk — a brand that supports the growing zero-waste community

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3 min readApr 21, 2020

A whopping 91% of plastic isn’t recycled. That is exactly why some people around the world decided the only solution to tackle the plastic pollution issue is to choose a zero-waste lifestyle.

As Kellogg, one of the Climate optimists, says “Zero-waste is really about trying to minimize your trash and making better choices in your life. Just do the best you can and buy less.”

Following zero waste lifestyle allows us to significantly reduce our waste footprint.

If you decide to go zero waste, you should read a blog by Simply Zero; it’s called How to Set Yourself Up for Success When Going Zero waste.

At the same time, going zero means switching to products that do not produce any waste. To learn more about these kind of products and companies that provide them, CSD INTERNATIONAL has decided to research and contact eco-friendly enterprises.

This time we have contacted SoSeas UK and had an interview with its founder Josh Hill.

What is the mission and the idea behind the brand SOSEAS? How did you create it, what was the inspiration?

Soseas mission is simple, we want to replace every day plastic items with more sustainable alternatives and rid households around the world from unnecessary plastic pollutants. The inspiration for Soseas comes from my scientific background and love for the outdoors and nature.

Tell us about your products and how they contribute to the sustainable development of our planet? why do you believe the brand provides the value?

Sustainability is at the heart of what we do, we ensure we make the best choices in terms of suppliers and material choices for the products and packaging to ensure our products have the minimal impact possible on the environment.

As we can see from your social media, you are not only selling your products but using those powerful platforms to promote concepts of sustainable development and zero waste lifestyle. Tell us about your future plans for SOSEAS.

We will be releasing additional product lines this year and are hoping to expand to US Amazon on the horizon. Meanwhile, we want to ensure we keep growing our community and delivering content on all things zero-waste.

As we know, SOSEAS is a UK based company, can people from other countries purchase your products and support you as a brand?

Yes, we sell internationally and welcome customers from all over the world.

Thank you Josh for the interview.

If you are wondering what are some of the main principles for zero — waste lifestyle, experts from National Geographic suggest us 5 of them

1. Refuse — refuse to buy things with lots of packaging

2. Reduce — don’t buy things you don’t really need

3. Reuse — repurpose worn-out items, shop for used goods, and purchase reusable products like steel water bottles

4. Compost — up to 80 percent of waste by weight is organic. But this rarely decomposes in landfills

5. Recycle — It still takes some energy and resources to recycle, but it’s better than sending stuff to the landfill or allowing it to become litter

Are you following a zero-waste lifestyle? What do you think about the importance of waste management? Let us know in the comments.




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