Analysis of Joker — A Spy & Premium Subscription Bot on GooglePlay

Aleksejs Kuprins
CSIS TechBlog
Published in
9 min readSep 3, 2019

Over the past couple of weeks, we have been observing a new Trojan on GooglePlay. So far, we have detected it in 24 apps with over 472,000+ installs in total. The malware — going by the name “the Joker” (which was borrowed from one of the C&C domain names) — delivers a second stage component, which silently simulates the interaction with advertisement websites, steals the victim’s SMS messages, the contact list and device info.

The automated interaction with the advertisement websites includes simulation of clicks and entering of the authorization codes for premium service subscriptions. For example, in Denmark, Joker can silently sign the victim up for a 50 DKK/week service (roughly ~6,71 EUR). This strategy works by automating the necessary interaction with the premium offer’s webpage, entering the operator’s offer code, then waiting for a SMS message with a confirmation code and extracting it using regular expressions. Finally, the Joker submits the extracted code to the offer’s webpage, in order to authorize the premium subscription.

The Joker malware only attacks targeted countries. Most of the infected apps contain a list of Mobile Country Codes (MCC) and the victim has to be using a SIM card from one of these countries in order to receive the second stage payload. The majority of the discovered apps target the EU and Asian countries, however, some apps allow for any country to join. Furthermore, most of the discovered apps have an additional check, which will make sure that the payload won’t execute when running within the US or Canada. The UI of C&C panel and some of the bot’s code comments are written in Chinese, which could be a hint in terms of geographical attribution.

The full list of 37 targeted countries includes: Australia, Austria, Belgium, Brazil, China, Cyprus, Egypt, France, Germany, Ghana, Greece, Honduras, India, Indonesia, Ireland, Italy, Kuwait, Malaysia, Myanmar, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Qatar, Republic of Argentina, Serbia, Singapore, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Thailand, Turkey, Ukraine, United Arab Emirates, United Kingdom and United States.

Besides loading the second stage DEX file, the malware also receives dynamic code and commands over HTTP and runs that code via JavaScript-to-Java callbacks. Such an approach provides an extra layer of protection against static analysis, since a lot of instructions in this case are not hard-coded into the malicious app on GooglePlay.


In most of the apps the developers have inserted the Joker initialization component into one or another advertisement framework. The little package of malicious code typically consists of:
• Target country checking via MCC
• Minimum C&C communication — just enough to report the infection and receive the encrypted configuration
• DEX decryption & loading
• A notification listener — when a new SMS message arrives, this listener captures it and sends out a broadcast for the Core (second stage) component to pick up.

Often, an app would contain a so-called “Splash” screen — an activity, which displays the app’s logo, while performing various initialization processes in the background. Some of the Joker apps use such activity for initialization as well.

310 and 302 are the MCC codes for USA and Canada

The Joker employs custom string obfuscation schemes for all of the configuration/payload/communication parsing procedures. The code listing below displays an example of an obfuscated MCC code list, (DEFAULT_COUNTRY_ISO) separated by the underscore symbol.

In this case, a method for de-obfuscation dynamically builds a string “28 Ux0-” and removes it from these strings

After the initialization is done, the malware will download an obfuscated and AES-encrypted configuration from the payload distribution C&C server. Joker composes the AES key for the configuration string decryption using yet another string scheme, which would concatenate the app’s package name with MCC code string and shuffle the symbols around in a specific way. Eventually, the settings for the second stage retrieval decrypt to a message of the following format:


The configuration string above contains the necessary information about the second stage code — the core component of the Joker. Being split by a 3-symbol delimiter, the configuration string above contains (ordered):
1. The URL for the Joker Core DEX file — this file is obfuscated
2. The de-obfuscation “keys” — indexes of the obfuscated read buffer
3. The initialization class name — the class, which implements the initialization method
4. The initialization method name — which method to call upon loading
5. The C&C URL
6. The campaign tag

The Loader downloads the DEX and starts the de-obfuscation routine. The said routine reads the DEX file in a buffer 128 bytes at a time. The de-obfuscation “keys” are the positional indexes for this buffer. For each iteration, the routine reads the bytes of the obfuscated buffer only between these positions and writes them into a file, producing a valid DEX file in the end.


This malware kit stands out as a small and a silent one. It is using as little Java code as possible and thus generates as little footprint as possible. After all of the Loader’s MCC checks and payload loading — the Core component begins its work. It is designed in a job-scheduler fashion, meaning that it periodically requests new commands from the C&C server. When found, it executes them in strict order and then reports the results, depending on the type of the given task. The below figure is an example of a command (truncated).

A job message from Joker’s C&C

When Joker receives such message, it proceeds to open the offer URL, injects the JavaScript commands one by one and waits for an authorization SMS (if any). When the SMS message arrives, the malware extracts the necessary authorization code using case-specific regular expressions. At other times, it simply sends a SMS message to a premium number, with a specific code from the offer page.

Snippet of JavaScript from a premium offer page

The Joker knows when to send a premium SMS message when it opens a premium offer page and finds an attribute with value starting with “sms:”.

Joker builds a SMS to be sent to a premium number, using data from the premium offer webpage

Whenever the malware extracts a code from a SMS message — it also reports it to the C&C after the job is complete. Hypothetically, the botnet operator can craft a job, which would result in all incoming SMS messages being stolen.

Joker’s SMS data exfiltration, encrypted with AES

The figure above is a sample of the second stage communication with the C&C and it contains the full text of a stolen test SMS message. It can be decrypted into a JSON object. The clear-text communication can also be observed using a debugger.

A portion of decrypted report, containing the stolen SMS message

The final important thing worth mentioning about the Joker is the phone book contact list theft. The core component collects all numbers in the contact list and sends them over to the C&C in an encrypted form:

Contact list harvesting

A total of 12 unique builds of the second stage payload were observed among the 24 infected apps. The version names come from the payload URLs and data inside the sample’s configuration class:



The described trojan employs notably stealthy tactics to perform quite malicious activities on GooglePlay, while hiding within the advertisement frameworks and not exposing too much of its malicious code out in the open. The earliest occurrence of the Joker in the wild that we can pinpoint comes from DNS metadata, which suggests that the Joker malware family has begun its recent campaigns in early June 2019. However, the major version digits in the build names give an impression of a slightly longer life cycle, potentially with more campaigns in the past.

Despite the volume (24 apps) Google seems to be on top of this threat as much as it is possible. Some of the apps do rack up 100,000+ installs before they get removed, however, the install number can always be artificial to some degree due to the common astroturfing practices. Throughout this investigation, Google has been removing all of these apps without any note from us.

We recommend paying close attention to the permission list in the apps that you install on your Android device. Obviously, there usually isn’t a clear description of why a certain app needs a particular permission, which means that whenever you are downloading any app — you are still relying on your gut feeling to some extent.


The first stage (payload distribution) C&C: http://3.122.143[.]26/
Main C&Cs:
Second stage binaries (Core):[.]com/s8-release
Unpacked second stage of the build "Y13-all-v2-no-log" SHA256: a7dc4238682147012751bb853001b053527ca8031a624bbd5db1a77a3e563eadLoader YARA rule:
rule android_joker {
$c = { 52656D6F746520436C6F616B } // Remote Cloak
$cerr = { 6E6574776F726B2069737375653A20747279206C61746572 } // network issue: try later
$net = { 2F6170692F636B776B736C3F6963633D } // /api/ckwksl?icc=
$ip = { 332E3132322E3134332E3236 } //
($c and $cerr) or $net or $ip
Infected Apps on GooglePlay:SHA256: b36fbe6b75f00ae835156185ca5d6955cdfbe410d73c3e5653dabbaff260f166
Package Name: com.with.nofear.myheart
Installs: 100,000+
Loader Path:
MCC Config: 262_202_460_268_520_502_424_510_414_232_204_222_272_427_228_214
SHA256: 718210a0c41160240843711d79f2757548e72934e996b0e16a2b2277369d366b
Package Name: com.certain.icdesktop.wallpaper
Installs: 100,000+
Loader Path: com.tohsoft.wallpaper.ui.details.basics
MCC Config: unknown_262_202_460_268_520_502_424_510_414_232_204_222_272_427_228_214
SHA256: 81d784ee65a8dc113683cd7cc271a36da275a500621cefa187095951af3a5114
Package Name: com.building.castle.bster
Installs: 50,000+
Loader Path:
MCC Config: 620_708_208_427_310_262_202_460_268_520_502_424_510_414_232_204_222_228_272_240_724_404_722_505_206_280_214_208_234_419_260_220_525_293_286
SHA256: 2d9a7d75227c3332591e1af5a2f2223eec3328c75c95dea9a33ea269200faf38
Package Name: com.futureage.facelook
Installs: 50,000+
Loader Path:
MCC Config: 262_202_460_268_520_502_424_510_414_232_204_222_272_427_228_214
SHA256: 1e724a5af76927106ee92421412af62698707d1d44a9891f91b3c6902f1780cd
Package Name: com.comeback.myside.sms
Installs: 50,000+
Loader Path: com.blur.blurphoto.view
MCC Config: 242_620_708_208_427_310_262_202_460_268_520_502_424_510_414_232_204_222_228_272_240_724_404_722_505_206_280_214_208_234_419_260_220_525_293_286
SHA256: 69d94f94233a2e42d49eeafaea7bf2aad86671cdaf3be45b00ff3de624d7e883
Package Name:
Installs: 10,000+
Loader Path:
MCC Config: 262_202_460_268_520_502_424_510_414_232_204_222_272_427_228_214
SHA256: e44f514c7729a6c39700db6ac51c817c77741e19178f8942c2d26f6b62ef9df5
Package Name: com.declare.smsarr.message
Installs: 10,000+
Loader Path:
SHA256: 226e9c5ca45facb9b9a36529e09958546c4b351f4b7ae02101f8e3c1d6e3de7b
Package Name: com.change.nicephoto
Installs: 10,000+
Loader Path: com.blur.blurphoto.view.
MCC Config: 242_620_708_208_427_310_262_202_460_268_520_502_424_510_414_232_204_222_228_272_240_724_404_722_505_206_280_214_208_234_419_260_220_525_293_286
SHA256: 6261be516a54d8566348b8305e96f34bdbf4f11620350c5f36f4bc3cb67fc181
Package Name:
Installs: 10,000+
Loader Path: com.fungo.constellation.common.ball
MCC Config: unknown_262_202_460_268_520_502_424_510_414_232_204_222_272_427_228_214
SHA256: 43b36c438a3531e42623fbd00f5b57066a4db8048ce8e0ab0b5ecf9eac67aabf
Package Name: com.burning.rockn.scan
Installs: 10,000+
Loader Path:
MCC Config: 620_708_208_427_310_262_202_460_268_520_502_424_510_414_232_204_222_228_272_240_724_404_722_505_206_280_214_208_234_419_260_220_525_293_286
SHA256: da2171a32f3b95620c35a48a34fb7293a321ab41266d3461f808b2f07694e5a7
Package Name: com.board.picture.editing
Installs: 10,000+
Loader Path:
MCC Config: unknown_460_262_520_202_222_427_232
SHA256: 494c8c6155a08ae95a2f1962636911310c98d36f065e81eddf4ffcb172913495
Package Name:
Installs: 10,000+
Loader Path:
MCC Config: unknown_262_202_460_268_520_502_424_510_414_232_204_222_272_427_228_214
SHA256: a8bf4055a4988ee181be9915c93c6278503be562475a558aef3c6dba54e06b13
Package Name:
Installs: 10,000+
Loader Path:
MCC Config: 262_202_460_268_520_502_424_510_414_232_204_222_272_427_228_214
SHA256: befde4166a9cdf2ff7c8f81fb5dec6a6760d20e0debbc667a8274899a248ef31
Package Name: com.cantwait.ezlife.wallpaper
Installs: 10,000+
Loader Path:
MCC Config: 620_708_208_427_310_262_202_460_268_520_502_424_510_414_232_204_222_228_272_240_724_404_722_505_206_280_214_208_234_419_260_220_525_293_286
SHA256: b631b2254850e62804fc66895850dcbf007d670aa843af8d2e525c85947da2d4
Package Name: com.Climate.sms
Installs: 10,000+
Loader Path:
MCC Config: unknown_620_708_208_427_310_262_202_460_268_520_502_424_510_414_232_204_222_228_272_240_724_404_722_505_206_280_214_208_234_419_260_220_525_293_286
SHA256: 2e3bff9dda4c568a5e12c2f468227ec8dc5baf9913fe573f02ef2d5432b37bc0
Package Name: com.xw.supervpnfree
Installs: 5,000+
Loader Path: org.greenrobot.eventbus.util
MCC Config: 242_620_708_208_427_310_262_202_460_268_520_502_424_510_414_232_204_222_228_272_240_724_404_722_505_206_280_214_208_234_419_260_220_525_293_286
SHA256: 9b4a1b7c638be029f0ffcb92dcfac74052f41fc36d43a45f6aa80d20d1285646
Package Name:
Installs: 5,000+
Loader Path:
SHA256: 5405e39dbde78e3b561a6e54f208ce557f04bdbdc363ea6442892d26ba91811e
Package Name: com.print.plant.scan
Installs: 5,000+
Loader Path: com.plantfinder.identification.ui.inner
MCC Config: unknown_262_202_460_268_520_502_424_510_414_232_204_222_272_427_228_214
SHA256: 65135899349daca2646ca36c5a442382bc988f5b3749a2bd5322170d777af77a
Package Name
Installs: 5,000+
Loader Path:
MCC Config: 262_202_460_268_520_502_424_510_414_232_204_222_272_427_228_214
SHA256: 54aba1530d829c71b2410c06628de034e38bc52be3002f82cc771c219d91958d
Package Name: com.hampi.sender
Installs: 1,000+
Loader Path:
MCC Config: unknown_620_708_208_427_310_262_202_460_268_520_502_424_510_414_232_204_222_228_272_240_724_404_722_505_206_280_214_208_234_419_260_220_525_293_286
SHA256: 27450c3c735dc3dcba9254a3b08ed22bbcde8631343cb70107d4e41e17fbb548
Package Name: com.Ignite.amino.clean (still up!)
Installs: 1,000+
Loader Path: com.alc.coolermaster.activity.create
MCC Config: 242_620_708_208_427_310_262_202_460_268_520_502_424_510_414_232_204_222_228_272_240_724_404_722_505_206_280_214_208_234_419_260_220_525_293_286_602_255
SHA256: 162ee177dea9b94366063de63dffd97f92f7a50e0e429d54fea73dc3a52f1b3a
Package Name: com.anti.mysecurity
Loader Path: org.greenrobot.eventbus.util
MCC Config: 242_620_708_208_427_310_262_202_460_268_520_502_424_510_414_232_204_222_228_272_240_724_404_722_505_206_280_214_208_234_419_260_220_525_293_286
SHA256: f165e04ee6ec84a2e57108c0f7e157a5dc1158fb38a161e5cfcde89476838c09
Package Name: com.hello.sweetangle.horoscope
Loader Path: com.mopub.common.boost
SHA256: 0eba66cda54c732645ca69949882097c2f2e69dff917e8834b6636ef00848772
Package Name:
Loader Path: com.mopub.common.boost

