6. Analysis and Suggestions

Gibran Hamrouni Cases
Published in
2 min readNov 5, 2021
  • It is suggested that states continue to lift restrictions in a phased manner, even if case numbers become low, and focus on opening commercial and industrial sectors first. Adherence to social distancing and other COVID-19 behavior should be strictly encouraged and large gatherings should be regulated. Until the majority of the population is vaccinated, lifting restrictions completely would hasten the beginning of the 3rd wave in India.
  • The New Vaccine Policy, with the central government taking responsibility over vaccine supply should be continued to ensure fair distribution of vaccines in every state. Storage and transportation of vaccine doses should be done carefully to ensure minimum wastage of vaccines. The central government should ensure complete transparency in their plans to procure and distribute vaccines to improve public confidence in vaccinations. The government should also focus on fast-tracking approvals of Pfizer, Moderna and other vaccines approved by the WHO to ensure stocks to vaccinate the sizeable population.
  • Along with this, the government must also look at the prevalent digital divide in the country which prevents the technologically backward citizens to register themselves and book slots. The on-spot registration option in this regard is a welcoming move. But more volunteers and administration must also support people and get them registered for vaccination. India also needs to focus on developing the infrastructure in rural areas and villages. Along with this, a proper plan needs to be devised for these areas so that they are not left out due to the prevalent urban-rural divide. Hence, more vaccination centers also need to be set up so that even people in remote locations aren’t left out.
  • The central government should also ensure that the common people receive the benefit of the relief measures they have announced. To do so they should focus on simplifying the bureaucracy and red-tapism around these schemes, ensure that these measures are being properly implemented and widely publicize them.

