India Response Report

Abstract with Full Report PDF

Gibran Hamrouni Cases
2 min readDec 15, 2021



Since January 2020, the world has been suffering because of the devastation caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. It has led to wide-ranging repercussions that have, and will likely continue to hamper the day-to-day functioning of countries across the world for years to come. India has faced a particularly challenging situation in this regard, where the virus has been impacting millions ever since. This report will look at an overall perspective of how the virus has affected the country, the statistics from official government sources to substantiate the issue at hand, as well as a thorough analysis of the economic, socio-cultural, educational, and environmental elements of the situation. It will also examine the government’s response to the pandemic through its measures such as restrictions, lockdowns, vaccination, etc. The report mainly focuses on the second wave that was faced by the country earlier this year, during the months of February-July, 2021. The data and updates included in the report are till the 21st of June, 2021.

The second wave has tested the country, more than ever, of its preparedness to deal with such a dire condition. While the government is trying to vaccinate the majority of the population as soon as possible still, it has faced numerous implementational gaps and loopholes. To make matters worse, despite decreasing daily cases indicating the end of the second wave, there is news of a potential third wave that might hit the country as soon as August.[i] Experts believe the peak of the third wave to be sometime around the month of October.[ii] The need of the hour is for a swift vaccination program, being prepared beforehand with enough medical supply stock such as oxygen, and trying to mend all those areas where the country faltered and could have done better to support its citizens. On the longer term, policies need to be clearly thought out, in order to prevent the devastating situation that took place during the second wave.

Download the Full Report here:

