Win a free ticket to CSS Dev Conf 2017 New Orleans with CodePen

Christopher Schmitt
CSS Dev Conf
Published in
2 min readJun 19, 2017

For the sixth straight year, CSS Dev Conf is coming this fall to New Orleans in the heart of French Quarter.

There are a variety of events at CSS Dev Conf, like keynote sessions with industry leaders, user-voted-on topic sessions, and Q&As.

CodePen at CSS Dev Conf 2017

Among all the great offerings at CSS Dev Conf, CodePen’s continuing their tradition of throwing a Show & Tell session! That means no matter how you’re participating in CSS Dev Conf if you want to show something off, you can.

Just come to our Show & Tell and CodePen’s very own Chris Coyier will take volunteers to come up and show stuff.

What to should you show? Well, it could be something on CodePen, or it could be anything related to front-end web design and development. Coyier’s only rule is no startup pitches.

Win a Free Ticket with CodePen!

CodePen is giving away a free ticket to CSS Dev Conf 2017 New Orleans. While you will have to get yourself to New Orleans and take care of your lodging, the free ticket is valued at $795.00 and gets access to two-days of great keynotes, three tracks, and evening events.

How to Enter

The rules are pretty simple: Fork this pen and do something fun with it.

Modify the pen for a chance to win a free ticket to CSS Dev Conf 2017

For a smidgen of art direction, CodePen suggests adding a little New Orleans flair to it. Never been to New Orleans? Read up a little bit and find out what makes it unique and use something of what you learn in your submission:

  • You could animate it.
  • You could incorporate it into a new design.
  • You could colorize it.
  • You could make it interactive.
  • You could get all multimedia with it.
  • No limits here, just fun.

Note that CodePen is picking the winner, and basing that choice on someone who did a tasteful and fun job with their fork.

Submit Your Entry

First, remember this content prize is just a ticket to the conference, not travel and lodging.

If you’re cool with that and are ready to submit your fork, email it to with the subject line “CSS Dev Conf!” and we’ll put you in the running!


Hurry, you have until July 7th, 2017 to submit. More information can be found at CodePen.

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Christopher Schmitt
CSS Dev Conf

I review sites & consult @knowbility on digital #a11y to allow equal access for all. @NBSPtv Host, CSS Cookbook Author, @CSSWG Member. Formerly @FrontendMasters