Prepared or Paranoid Parents?

Camille Lehmann
CSUN’s Coronavirus Chronicles
4 min readMar 22, 2020
Masks to wear outside (Camille Lehmann, 2020)

Washing our hands every 15 minutes, wearing masks, and disinfecting keys, phones, and doorknobs was only the beginning. As I’ve been in quarantine for the past two weeks I’ve realized the massive impact it has had on my parents. If anyone in my house sneezes or coughs, everyone freaks out and looks at you like you might be infected. I think my parents might be going insane and it’s terrifying.

My father has the news on 24/7, as soon as I wake up I hear about how the coronavirus is affecting the world and each day it seems to be getting worse. According to CNN, the U.S. has the most confirmed cases worldwide. Globally, there has been about 74,000+ deaths as of April 7 and that’s what is scaring everyone because each day the numbers keep going up. My parents will not let anyone in or out of the house, not even external family members because they are afraid of the virus infecting themselves and my 90-year-old grandma. The rule is that if anyone leaves the house for essential things only, they must take their shoes off before entering and have to leave them outside for at least 24 hours to let the virus disappear. Are they overreacting or are they just playing it safe rather than sorry?

My dad has always been prepared for the worst, when I was little he would plan out earthquake drills at three in the morning to prepare my siblings and I not to be scared. He always has extra food and supplies in case of any emergency. We have an RV and it’s basically an emergency vehicle packed with supplies that we could live off for about two months. I’m very thankful to have such a dedicated human in my life that has prepared me not to panic and take each day one at a time, but it does get exhausting to talk about this issue on a daily basis. Living with my parents is one thing but being in quarantine with them is another. All of a sudden, I have chores that I don’t remember ever having. It’s getting exhausting having to deal with my family 24/7 and these next three weeks will be tough.

Cleaning supplies that my mom has all over the house. (Camille Lehmann, 2020)
World Health Organization via TikTok

I see on social media that many young adults are sharing their opinions on how the government is overreacting and that the media is providing false information. Some simply don’t care about the “stay at home” order that Governor Gavin Newsom issued and social distancing because they are still going out to public places and hanging with large groups. It’s frustrating to see all that when I’m being influenced by my father and multiple news outlets to be cautious and stay home. My father spends his time reading and learning new facts or theories about the coronavirus and each day is frightened more by it. He has heart problems and diabetes and is absolutely devastated that this pandemic has gotten this far, he fears for his life and our lives if he doesn’t make it.

Another issue that this pandemic has created is education because all schools have transitioned to virtual learning. I’m worried about my grades because all the in-person classes require activities and assignments with group members and to attend class in general. The switch to virtual is really scaring some professors and most students because we’re not getting the full hands-on experiences we signed up for. I’m also very worried about my 16-year-old brother that has ADD and is very behind in school. He has special ED classes in high school where he can have one-on-ones with his teachers to help him fully understand the materials. With classes being online I don’t think he will be taking them as serious and will slack off and end up playing video games this entire quarantine. On the bright side, it can also be a good thing to have students see what virtual classes are like and to prepare journalism students to work with people via email, calls, and through socials for future international or just long-distance work.

GIF I made of some things my parents got (Camille Lehmann, Giphy)

I’m a homebody. I’d rather stay in bed on a Friday night instead of going out to party. I didn’t think this stay at home order would be difficult for me but experiencing it for two weeks has completely changed my mind. I guess the saying “You don’t know what you have until it’s gone” really fits in with this situation. My family and I clean our house every other day and take turns with cooking dinner, it’s honestly getting exhausting and boring. I’ve watched almost every movie and show on Disney+ and Netflix, eat about every five minutes, learned all the TikTok dances, cleaned my entire closet, and even made a Club Penguin. I am extremely bored and cannot wait to be free again.

It’s agonizing not having a clear understanding of what is going on and not knowing all the facts about COVID-19. Being told there is not enough tests and hospitals for people does not put anyone at ease and creates panic in communities all over the country. Not knowing how long this will last gives my family and my anxiety and discomfort. All that can be done right now is to stay at home, continue social distancing, and keep washing your hands for 20 seconds.

Funny meme to pass time in quarantine via TikTok

