LinkedIn: The Professional Network?

Marc van Neerven
Published in
1 min readApr 17, 2018

Is it just me? LinkedIn seems to just follow Facebook in terms of commercialism.

With what’s happening to Facebook since CA, LinkedIn might even take a share of the commercial, sponsored content previously targeted at Facebook users.

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An increasing percentage of the posts in my timeline can be considered ads, with one difference: my adblocker doesn’t see them ;-(.

Like on Facebook, organic reach is reduced in favor of pushed, sponsored content, sponsored videos being a big focus, it seems. The poor people who use LinkedIn for professional networking are reduced to mere target segments.

Is this all such a good idea, LinkedIn/Microsoft? While the short term goal obviously is to make LinkedIn more profitable as an investment, what about the longer term? How long will it still make sense to share knowledge on a platform that is increasingly showing commercial propaganda?

What is your opinion?



Marc van Neerven

Transformational (fractional) CTO, Board Advisor, Cloud & SaaS Expert, Code Ninja, Web Standards Advocate, Social Impact Lover