CTO Craft Con: The Delivery One

Andy Skipper
CTO Craft
Published in
2 min readMar 15, 2021
Join us March 23rd — 25th for our second Virtual Conference for CTOs and Engineering Leaders

Last December, we ran our first ever CTO Craft conference, The People One — it was as much an experiment as anything, to see whether we could build an event completely online for our community of 5,500 or so CTOs, VPs of Engineering, Heads of Development, Engineering Directors, etc, etc. The focus was entirely on people, teams, and culture, and it seems we hit a nerve — the event was a massive success, and the feedback was universally excellent. We also really enjoyed the conference planning process — so we’re doing it again!


This time around we’ll be focusing on Delivery, Process, Metrics, Roadmaps, Continuous Integration and Delivery, Quality and just generally getting software products out of the door. The Delivery One will happen from 4pm — 7pm GMT on March 23rd, 24th and 25th, and will feature over 30 speakers, including Agile experts such as Daniel Terhorst-North, James Shore, Jeffrey Frederick and Douglas Squirrel, as well as CTOs and other technology leaders from amazing companies like Typeform, Auth0, Puppet, Etsy, Gremlin, the honeycomb team, The Nylas Team, Karat, Code Climate and a host of others.

As with last time, we’ve put a big emphasis on sharing the stage between men and women as equally as we could, which means this conference will have a 50/50 men/women split in speakers. Here are some of the amazing women joining the line-up:

Some of the women joining the CTO Craft Con line-up

There’s still time to pick up your tickets — head to the conference website to see the agenda and reserve your spot

See you there!

Andy and the CTO Craft team

