Congress in the MAGA Cinematic Universe

Melissa Ryan
Published in
4 min readJan 14, 2023


Bizarre photo of Rep. Jim Jordan coming out onstage to a backdrop of images of himself.
Image Credit: Gage Skidmore

It took 15 tries, but Kevin McCarthy managed to get himself elected to the job from hell. As Speaker of the House, he’ll preside over a Congress with a razor-slim majority and lead a Caucus of Congresspeople uninterested in governing at all. GOP members of the house aren’t beholden to their constituents but to a former president desperate to come back to power and a base of supporters who believe in an alternative reality.

The 118th Congress will do its business for the MAGA Cinematic Universe. Eleven election deniers now chair committees in the House. Notably, MAGA darling Jim Jordan now heads Judiciary. Expect hearings and “investigations” on pressing topics such as Hunter Biden, gas stoves, covid vaccines, Hunter Biden, children using litter boxes in school, critical race theory, Hunter Biden, pronouns, Democratic members of Congress, the IRS, the DOJ, and oh yes, Hunter Biden.

None of these issues matter to the vast majority of Americans or serve the public good in any way. But that doesn’t matter. GOP politicians are in a battle for attention, fundraising $$$, virality, and the approval of Donald Trump. They cater to the MAGA base because they’re true believers themselves, they fear the mob turning against them, they’ve completely sold themselves out, or all of the above. Most Americans won’t have a clue why Congress will spend taxpayer-funded…



Melissa Ryan

Politics + technology. Author of Ctrl Alt Right Delete newsletter. Subscribe here: Coffee drinker. Kentucky basketball fan.