This is a Remix

Melissa Ryan
Published in
3 min readAug 9, 2020


Photo by Cesar de Miranda from Pexels

Usually, in the summer things slow down. Newsletter stats dip and my inbox fills up with autoresponders from readers taking some well deserved time off. But this year summer is different. Open rates are up, click through rates are through the roof, and we’re adding new subscribers after a long period of stagnation. Medium stats are also up considerably.

I started 2020 incredibly burnt out. Losing my publishing partner was hard and it came at a terrible time. Q1 wasn’t the reset I’d been hoping for personally or professionally. Then the pandemic hit, and I can’t tell you how many times I considered just throwing in the towel.

But the pandemic was a stark reminder of why this work matters. Since April it’s been a non-stop grind but the work has never felt more relevant than it does now. As much as I worry about the state of the world, I’m glad that I can at least help folks better understand it and find ways to fight back. I’m grateful every day that you all trust me to keep you informed. Thank you.

This week I’m going to highlight some past newsletters from this summer that you might have missed. Let’s go:

For Facebook, Civil Rights is Merely Politics as Usual This week Facebook released the final report of its civil rights audit. The report does the job of outlining Facebook’s multitude of civil rights problems calling some of Facebook’s



Melissa Ryan

Politics + technology. Author of Ctrl Alt Right Delete newsletter. Subscribe here: Coffee drinker. Kentucky basketball fan.