
Time waits for no one

kerri kelly
2 min readDec 28, 2017


This is a precarious place to be. Wedged between where we are coming from and where we go next. Between what we know and what is to be revealed. There is no magic resolution for this moment. There is only action and faith.

But we’ve got wind at our backs. 2017 was not just the year of resistance, it was the year of reclaiming. Reclaiming our responsibility to one another. Reclaiming our power as citizens. And reclaiming wellbeing as a human right.

We have been practicing, preparing and training for what’s next. We are the ones we’ve been waiting for. And we are ready to take back what is ours.

Chani Nicholas says it all in this week’s horoscope:

“The more you show up as a serious contender, the more folks will be waiting in the wings to get in the ring with you. The more you see yourself as someone in the process of becoming a master of your craft, the quicker your teachers and students will show up to guide and be guided by you. The more you say yes to the track that gets you on the path to your destiny, the sooner you’ll feel the wheels of your own industriousness at work.

Time waits for no one, so stop waiting for the right moment to give it what you’ve got. This is it.”

Here we come, 2018.


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