#SanctuarySpace Solidarity Guide

Published in
2 min readDec 7, 2016

Immigrants will be some of the first targets of a Trump Administration, with immigration agents more emboldened than ever to detain, deport, and separate families.

Immigrant rights organizations are calling on us all to claim #SanctuarySpace in our wellbeing spaces and beyond.

It’s time for us to show up for some of this country’s most vulnerable residents and declare that our wellbeing spaces are welcoming, safe sanctuaries for our undocumented neighbors.


Get informed about the state of immigration and the hardships faced by the immigrant community in this country so you can lead conversations with truth and good information.


Click here to register your home, meditation center, yoga studio, clinic, community space, organization, or any space of wellbeing as a #SanctuarySpace.

By declaring a #SanctuarySpace, you are committing to:

  • Affirm that your space is welcoming to all people regardless of immigration status, by posting a sign in your window (like this one) and speaking openly and regularly about your stance
  • Actively build a culture of inclusion by becoming aware of any policies or procedures that would isolate immigrant folks (like asking citizenship status or for social security number)
  • Make it clear that you will not share anyone’s information with immigration or border patrol
  • Consider holding events to raise awareness and money to contribute toward immigrant-led organizations like Cosecha and United We Dream to support advocacy and justice work
  • Have an open door to invite ongoing dialogue about how your space can more actively be welcoming and in solidarity with the immigrant community
  • Stay tuned for further requests that will come from immigrant rights organizers for how we can put our spaces and ourselves on the line in soldidarity and protection

Click here to pledge your space as a #SanctuarySpace now!


Please encourage others to claim their spaces as #SanctuarySpace too — we need them visible and all over the country! Tag @CTZNWELL on Instagram, Twitter, or Facebook, and use the hashtags #SanctuarySpace and #wellbeingforall so we can follow our community’s strength, and be sure to link to this #SanctuarySpace commitment page so they can join the movement.

Movimiento Cosecha + CTZNWELL Catalysts at the Cosecha National Assembly, May 2016




CTZNWELL is mobilizing the 50+ million Americans engaged in lifestyles of health and sustainability to come together and take action for the wellbeing of all.