The conversation we should be having

Published in
5 min readOct 26, 2017

While the #MeToo moment may have passed, the problem hasn’t. Rebecca Traister describes it as a version of Groundhogs Day, reminding us that “we just did this — like all of this — almost exactly a year ago” when Trump was exposed in his Access Hollywood tape. And yet, here we are.

“The conversation we should be having is about mechanisms far larger than any one perpetrator”

It’s time to move beyond shock and into action. It’s time to acknowledge that these are not issues of the few but issues of the whole. It’s time we name it clearly, that this is not gender violence, this is structural violence.

And it’s time it ends. Whatever our location to this issue, we all must embrace the social responsibility we have to one another and do what needs to be done to heal our human family.

Kerri Kelly, founder of CTZNWELL

At CTZNWELL, we work at the intersection of practice and politics, because we understand that it’s not just about what we do to change the world but how we do it. Each week, we call on the perspectives of front-line organizers and spiritual leaders to help us make sense of what’s happening in the world AND cultivate capacity to show up and be bold in the face of whatever. This is WELLread.

October 25, 2017*

…to what’s inside:

Less quitting/more doing for America. ⚡ Yes, guns. Still. ⚡ The #metoo conversation we have to have. ⚡ Become an effective bystander. ⚡ Weed is the new wellbeing. ⚡ What’s your listening face?



This video is made by 18-year-old Aria Watson, and it’s one of the most beautiful pieces of truth telling.

While the #MeToo moment may have passed, the problem hasn’t. Whether you’re on the side of the survivor or the oppressor or the bystander or all of them, we’ve got work to do. All of us. Because sexual harassment impacts everyone. While 1 in 3 women (1 in 6 men) experience sexual harassment in their lifetime, 65% of survivors say no one helped them. We need truth-tellers, brave spaces and courageous conversations about who we need to BE to end sexual assault.

Here is a good place to start — Teo Drake’s Tonglen practice to keep our hearts open so that we can fully participate in collective healing. And here are some perspectives that center the voices of youth, queer and/or transgender people of color and immigrants. For when you witness sexual harassment at work, check this out. You can read and share stories at Hollaback here. A Call to Men provides helpful resources for men who are ready to speak up. If you’re in school, you should study your rights under Title IX. RAINN offers free advice on how to be an ally to survivors. And Adrienne Marie Brown guides us in reclaiming the pleasure of consent.


Ready to break the silence? The People’s Supper has been hosting dinners since January 20th to bridge people back together and foster resilience. This month, they released a special guidebook and have called on people to host dinners centered around the issue of sexual harassment. These dinners are designed specifically for survivors of assault and harassment. A collaboration of Faith Matters Network, The Dinner Party, and Hollaback!, this project is vital these days.

Speaking of Hollaback!, they are hosting another free bystander training next month. This time it’s to train trainers to host trainings. You get that? Don’t miss it. It’s online. It’s incredibly valuable. Since the election, Hollaback! has trained thousands of people to safely and effectively stand up for each other in the face of harassment and hate.


We know. We know. It’s incense, but you get the idea.

Get ready, weed is the newest wellness trend (or so we’re told). Check out how everyone’s getting high on the mat, in the kitchen, and at high-intensity training.


You know that face you make when you’re not listening but you’re trying to front like you are? Don’t lie. We all do it. Insecure creator, Issa Rae posted hers, which was actually Gavin Thomas, and a Twitter storm of listening faces followed. They’re so good. What’s your listening face?

And all jokes aside, listening is an act of love.




CTZNWELL is mobilizing the 50+ million Americans engaged in lifestyles of health and sustainability to come together and take action for the wellbeing of all.