We’re not going back

We’re still here

kerri kelly
2 min readJan 25, 2018


We’re riding another high of pink hats and feminist outcry. This year’s march proved that we are not going anywhere soon. The events around the country are estimated to have involved 2.5 million people across the US — a sure sign that the resistance is alive and kicking.

But solidarity is not only showing up when one has skin in the game, it’s showing up when one doesn’t. It’s understanding that our feminism is only intersectional and interdependent when it takes risks on behalf of the most marginalized communities, when it shows up even when it’s inconvenient and when it realizes that our wellbeing is bound.

We are growing beyond a movement of resistance. We need to become a movement of what’s possible. We need to articulate and advance a vision that’s more than our own self-sufficiency, but that ensures the conditions where everyone can thrive. We deserve an America that works for all of us. And we must make it so.


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