Blog 5, Last Story Update

Shea Sahm
CU Boulder CMCI Social Media Storytelling
3 min readMay 2, 2018
United States Soccer Symbol

It has finally come together. This is my last update for my story now that everything has been corrected and improved. Before I posted this last update, I needed to fix my podcast/radio show by having female perspectives and having a more educated conversation. I also had to improve my experimental platform which was Snapchat, I had to do my “official” Facebook Live, and I had to do a lot better on Twitter by cross promoting all my shows and uploading them to Soundcloud.

My produced story came in the form of a radio show and a podcast. I had Anika Gorham, a former soccer player comment on the gender pay gap in U.S. Soccer. We had a 30 minute conversation and it was widely successful. I also did a podcast with another guest named Anna Delany. She is the Vice President of the Kappa Kappa Gamma sorority. She had great insight and opinions on this issue. Both of these shows were uploaded to Soundcloud and promoted by Twitter. By uploading them to Soundcloud I will be able to look at the analytics and see who looked and it and how many people saw these conversations.

Men’s National Team Captains
Women’s National Team Captains

This past Tuesday, May 1st I did my official Facebook live. I did a eight minute Facebook Live of my pre-show at my podcast. I took everybody through the setting up process as well as introduced the co-hosts. We also got a chance to see Anna Delany and talk to her pre-show. This was a fun way to show how we set up and prepare for our shows. The eight minute Facebook Live was posted to our Facebook page. I will be able to see how many people watched and viewed it while it was live, this will give me the ability to reference it in my reflection paper.

Women’s National Team

Twitter has been a life saver, I thought it would be useless but it is actaully a great way to get your show out and promoted. I didn’t pay attention to its advantages the first time around and got a poor grade. Since then I have used it efficiently and I have effectively cross promoted my shows and have given updates on when they air. My tweets and promotions have improved and I am really happy with how tweeting improved my story.

My experimental platform was Snapchat. I had to improve this part of my story by adding graphics. I did do this along with some new interviews and that will help to make this part of my story more creative and diverse. This was something new for me and being able to receive feedback before my final submission allowed me to improve all my mistakes.

Finally, this story has been really fun and enlightening to discuss. I was able to learn from the people I interviewed and have educated conversation about how we can try and solve the wage gap problem in U.S. Soccer. Using Facebook Live and Twitter was great because it showed me how efficient it was to promote my shows. Snapchat was hard, but it was my experimental platform, I probably won’t use it again but I was happy I tried it.



Shea Sahm
CU Boulder CMCI Social Media Storytelling

CU-Boulder student, Director of News and Sports @Radio 1190, sports lover, and Los Angeles native.