Boulder Startup Week

pc: Ashley Hopko

As summer approaches, so do many exciting opportunities for students sticking around in Boulder after finals. Just because the school year and events like the New Venture Challenge are over, that doesn’t mean the innovation initiative or community is finished hosting events. Innovation is year-round.

Boulder Startup week is an annual event that aims to bring together community members from both Denver and Boulder. From May14th through 15th, over 10,000 people are expected to gather for a collection of themed panels and networking events. Each panel will have a distinctive topic, in hopes that diversity will interest people from every corner of the community and encourage creativity. Though part of an international initiative, Boulder startup week is unique because of the high profile culture surrounding innovation. It is among one of the most popular startup weeks in the nation. Because of this, there are often amazing keynote speakers and top name sponsors.

Since it is organized by Galvanize, a co-working space on pearl, and Tech Stars, an accelerator, almost all of the events during the week are free and open to the public once registered. Events run from 8 am to roughly 5 pm and usually last an hour. Overall, the week is organized like a giant convention. Usually, there are over 10 events and talks to choose from each hour. Locations of events are spread out throughout the city but take place mostly on or around Pearl Street and Downtown Boulder.

For 2018, volunteers and organizers of the event are most excited for the Adventure, Cannabis, and Climate Action tracks. These tracks are only a few themes out of 30 that will outline the talks and panels for the week. For climate action, there will be presentations from top scientists and entrepreneurs who are working to stop damage being done by climate change. Their ideas attempt to replace old systems with green options and make energy efficiency available for everyone. The cannabis section will discuss how to create a cohesive community that will make harmony for people who support the use of cannabis and who do not, while still advancing the industry and making money. Adventure will discuss ways to save national parks and open space and talk about new developments in new gear and technology.

Hundreds of hour from volunteers have been poured into making this week a reality and many are expected to fly in from around the country to attend. Check out more information at for details and the complete track schedule.



Ashley Hopko
CU Boulder CMCI Social Media Storytelling

I’m a Colorado native passionate about feature and travel writing. In my free time, I work as a freelance writer for local startups in Denver and Boulder.