Fashion in Boulder (Final Story Update)

Devon Miner
CU Boulder CMCI Social Media Storytelling
2 min readMay 9, 2018

At last! My project is finally complete. I’m really satisfied with how my story on Boulder’s fashion community turned out. My final produced story was, as previously mentioned, the Instagram account that profiled different people’s perspectives on fashion or entrepreneurship in Boulder. I’m excited because I got a lot more engagement than I was anticipating on this simply because I used certain hashtags. I’ve been getting impressions and likes from people I don’t even know, which is really cool.

Similarly, I’m really happy I ended up using my personal Twitter account for this project because of the base following I already have. That helped me get some more clicks to my Instagram account and Pinterest.

This means people who had already followed me were interested in the project I was working on. I don’t think my Instagram account would have gotten as engagement had I not done this.

Overall, even though I had some issues with this project I think that I adapted well to make a story that sheds some light on the fashion community in Boulder.

Check out my project here:


Instagram Live: Available on @FashoinFocusBoulder

