Final Story Update

Gavyn Doty
CU Boulder CMCI Social Media Storytelling
2 min readMay 9, 2018

Welcome to my final story update. This post will contain links and images to the different elements of my social media story!

Produced Story

There haven’t really been any changes to my produced story lately. My produced story is a roughly five minute podcast that features the story of former San Quentin inmate Tulio Cardozo. He has such an amazing story. If you haven’t heard it already, check out my podcast on SoundCloud!

SoundCloud Link:

Facebook Live

My Facebook Live went really well! I was able to interview Professor Joanne Belknap as planned and she provided good information and insight into the relationship between race and incarceration. She is an ethnic studies professor here at CU and she also teaches a class from the Colorado Correctional Center, so she was a perfect fit for my project. The live element went for about 30 minutes with a few questions from me and a lot of answers from Professor Belknap.

Facebook Link:

Reddit/Experimental Platform

Previously, I had posted twice on Reddit with questions related to my project but it didn’t work out great. In attempt to garner more discussion and interaction, I decided to post a question on a bigger, discussion-based subreddit. I posted a question about race and incarceration onto r/AskReddit and got a good amount of responses and views. Here are some of the screenshots.

Reddit Screenshots:


Not much has changed on my Twitter over time, but I did try to listen to feedback and make minor changes. The two things I have been working on are cross promoting the different elements of my story and tweeting more consistently. I tweeted a little more consistently, especially leading up to the deadline and I cross promoted a lot more.

Twitter Link:


Last is my blog posts right here on Medium. I just want to say thanks to everyone who read, highlighted, commented, or interacted with my blog posts. If you missed any of my posts feel free to go back and read them. They aren’t going anywhere.

