Finding Information, Sharing Information

Good Updates for Social Media Storytellers


As we go through class this term I’ll be finding information and sharing it here in our Medium publication.

These aren’t required readings, but rather info that may help you better tell your stories. We may also address some of the information from these shared things in class.

Today’s share comes the Knight Foundation and was first reported on January 15th. Click through to the link for full details from their latest survey about why Americans don’t trust the media. Not only is the report good food for thought, but it also is presented in a really terrific way. I adore the gif graphics! And the headline is a great example of how to offer information in a way that engages with the audiences, rather than talk down to them.

Side note: don’t read the comments. Or do, if you’re interested in the heated discourse around these discussions.

On a side note, Medium also provides daily feeds from groups you follow, so it’s a great idea to follow news organization and individuals who you trust (or find interesting).



Kathleen M. Ryan
CU Boulder CMCI Social Media Storytelling

Multimedia journalist. Associate Professor @CUBoulder. Oral historian. Documentary filmmaker. Working on cloning technology.