Last Kratom Blog Post

Hello all!

Thank you for reading and following my story this far. For this last one I want to do something a little different. Instead of just recapping how the project went, I thought I would discuss a #DenverWestword article I read and posted on my Twitter.

The article is about pro-Kratom scientists that advocate for the use of it’s painkiller qualities. They argue that the highlight on the Kratom-related Salmonella outbreaks are unfair and unproportional to Salmonella outbreaks from other goods consumed all the time. Many claim that Kratom is the reason they are no longer using heroin and are petrified by the notion that it could become illegal. For them, this prohibits their use, leading to re-lapse, more heroin use, and potential death.

However, another article from Westword was published late in March about the dangers of Kratom. A Denver local claims that Kratom “ruined his life” and it is dangerous for those who have addictive tendencies. He was using extremely high doses, which is warned against because there is a potential to develop a tolerance. See the story here ->

It seems that everyday the war continues between those pro and those against. While the scientific properties of Kratom show a positive possibility for it to help people, some who are not already an opiate addict are at risk of becoming one if it is used in an improper way.

It is hard to say what the long-term effects of Kratom use is with the little research there is. One thing is forsure, it has helped many and is considered a saving grace. And on the other hand it has the potential to “ruin someone’s life” if not treated carefully. This to me, is a pretty unsatisfying way to end it, but I know there are two sides to every story.

In all, I genuinly enjoyed taking this project on and talking with the people I did. Thank you all for following me and reading my stories!




Alexandra Tomassian
CU Boulder CMCI Social Media Storytelling

Last year undergraduate at CU Boulder. Degrees & passion in Dance, Art, and Journalism.