Shifting Plans and Awesome Interviews

Ashley Hopko
CU Boulder CMCI Social Media Storytelling
2 min readApr 21, 2018
Chad Piatek (right) and his tech expert pose for a profile photo

After feedback from my first story update, it’s become clear that I needed to stick with my original plan and break up my social media coverage of the New Venture Challenge into several days of work. At the official championships night, I was overwhelmed with everything that was going on. There was a lot packed into a short, hour and a half event.

In hindsight, if this were a more official PR project, that was actually being published for an established audience, it would have been helpful to have some sort of a press or media badge. I would have gotten better photos and audio. Another issue that I encountered was not arriving soon enough since I had to rush down to the Boulder Theater after class. It would have been interesting to do my Facebook live before the event started. I could have done quick interviews with the mentors, participants, and community members in one place. I won’t have the opportunity again but can still seek them out individually.

For my 8 minutes for Facebook live, I plan on going to the new campus startup hub Monday Afternoon and giving the audience a tour of all the cool things it offers. I also plan on doing guest interviews with a few of the people who are around the space working with the fun technology.

For my podcast, which I am using as an experimental platform, I’ve already completed four interviews with various NVC participants . The first interview is with a company called Sweat Points, which gives participant points to athletes so they can earn discounts and rewards at local stores for keeping on track with their fitness goals. This was inspired by the founder and CEO, Chad Piatek, who is on the Lacrosse team at CU Boulder. He and his teammates were annoyed that there are similar apps for people who want to lose weight, but not for people who are working hard to maintain their current fitness level. The app works with both Android technology, Apple watches, and FitBits.

The second interview I conducted was with John Moore. He’s working to revolutionize the marijuana industry by testing out the idea of creating an open environment for the public consumption of cannabis. He’s working with a trial run of legislation called Initiative 300. This initiative allows businesses to allow legal public consumption of weed in their establishments without fear of prosecution from the state government.

I have also already built an Instagram page and am in the process of posting photos that I’ve been collecting throughout the course of this project.

For my Twitter feed, I was able to live to Tweet the NVC championships. I feel confident where I stand in the project and expect things to come together well for my presentation Wednesday.



Ashley Hopko
CU Boulder CMCI Social Media Storytelling

I’m a Colorado native passionate about feature and travel writing. In my free time, I work as a freelance writer for local startups in Denver and Boulder.