Social Media Intial Blog: Tiny Homes

Since the late 1900s and even before, people have chosen to take the path towards a minimalist living style. Even the famous ski videographer, Warren Miller, spent two winters living in a small “teardrop camper” filming some of his first videos. This style of living has come in the form of campers, trailers, mini campers and, finally, tiny homes.

Tiny homes have only recently become a phenomenon among millenials and older generations as well. My goal is to plan out an opinion piece based on my reporting, social aspects, videos and interviews to gather knowledge as to how I feel and want to write about tiny homes. So far it seems like an incredible opportunity for some good social media style journalism!

My live video story piece would be on my Sapchat which will include mutliple 10 second videos in the form of a “story” that lasts approxametley 60 seconds. Then, I would use my Medium and personal Wordpress blog to write about different visits, interviews and so forth with tiny homes. My experimental piece I am still deciding, but am leaning towards Reddit. Reddit is something that is new to me, althought I have been on many times, I have never truly invested time into the site. I was thinking of creating or joining a minimalist living or tiny home community on Reddit and sharing my finds, pictures, interviews, videos etc.. I believe this would be a really interesting platform to generate more conversation about the subject of tiny homes and also learn much more about the topic and just how many people choose to live this way.

I look forward to this project and what it has to offer. Since my journalism internship with NPTM I have discovered a style of outdoor writing that I never thought I’d be attracted to until last year. After I wrote the piece about Colorado Teardrops owned by an incredible nice family and friendly staff, I fell in love with the idea of this style of camping and being able to go to where you want to go. Deciding to go in this direction, I want to make my piece into one on tiny homes (as stated before) which are even bigger than teardrops. I believe it would help me understand the art of minimalist living and, ultimately, give me an interesting story I may chose to pursue in my journalism career as I graduate this May, 2018.

  • Still working on sources!



Alexander Teufel
CU Boulder CMCI Social Media Storytelling

I am currently a senior at the University of Colorado Boulder with a passion for writing and snowboarding.