Social Media Story Update #3

Hi everyone!

Wow, what a day Friday was. Following around a student athlete all day is far from easy, but what an experience it was! As I wrote in my last blog post, I followed Brittany around from the time she woke up around 6:30 AM until 10:00 PM. Everything went very smooth, with the exception of a few bumps in the road.

Snapchat: My Snapchat story is very fun, entertaining and exposes all Brittany does thought her packed days. I thought that when I was saving the whole story, it would be 2:00 minutes at the most, but it was around 3:30 minutes long! I am not sure if Professor Ryan will accept it this long, but in my opinion the more the merrier because the content is engaging.

Facebook live: My Facebook live portion was difficult in the fact that the location I was filming at, the Colorado National Golf Course, had a very bad wifi connection so that posed a problem. So, I did some quick problem solving and recorded the 8 minute long Facebook Live on my phone, then posted it to the CMCI Social Media Storytelling Facebook page. It really was the same thing as a live video, the only issue was the wifi connection.

Twitter: I am continuing to tweet about Brittany & intriguing information I have learned about her while following her throughout her day. Occasionally I will posting photos along with the tweets.

Instagram: I took eight establishing photos over the course of the day and I am slowly posting them to the specialized Instagram page I made. Accompanied with each photo is a story about Brittany & the photo.

That is my update! I am excited to show you all the final product!



Audrëy Rodríguez
CU Boulder CMCI Social Media Storytelling

Host of "Off The Court" Sports writer for CU social media relations🏈 On-air PA announcer for Colorado women's volleballBroncos PR.