Story Update #1: Tiny Homes

I am still having a lot of trouble with the overall focus of my Tiny Homes story. It is a toss up between a piece based on opinion from my observations or a non-biased piece on the advantages and disadvantages to living in a Tiny Home.

I still plan on using Reddit and a Tiny Home group as my experimental platform although I am looking into some others like a photo essay of some sort which would go along great with the Tiny Homes and mountain backdrops. For interviews, I have already emailed a couple Tiny Home Manufacturers in hopes of getting an in-person or emailed interview as well as photos of their tiny homes.

Twitter will be used for updates on my story as well as a thread. YouTube will be used for my Live aspect. This is because I do not have much recent experience with it but still have my old YouTube account from when I was younger. It will be fun to get back into it and use something that is not as familiar to me. SnapChat will be used for my story aspect. I will create a story while interviewing a Tiny Home owner and their stories while living/using the Tiny Home.


For this piece I have done some research online to get a better sense of the community. It seems as if there is a large following on Reddit as well as online and in Colorado. There are three Tiny Home manufacturers I have started to look at but there are about 7 or 8 companies in Colorado alone to get your Tiny Home fix. I have learned, through a Reddit forum, that some people take the “Tiny Home” reference to be offensive. This is because many people chose to determine a tiny home by square feet and some homeowners just have small houses but don’t want to be labled as a “Tiny Home”. I discovered that the Tiny Home Movement is actually around the entire world and is mostly glorified on Instagram and in the United States by younger individuals and couples. Actual owners of Tiny Homes rarely move them around and use them as an escape away from the costs and commitments of owning a larger home.



Alexander Teufel
CU Boulder CMCI Social Media Storytelling

I am currently a senior at the University of Colorado Boulder with a passion for writing and snowboarding.