Story Update #3: SimBLISSity Tiny Homes and Live Trouble

On Monday (yesterday) I had the great opportunity to go to SimBLISSity Tiny Homes in Lyons. After finally finding the spot I met up with Byron Fears who owns the SimBLISSity with his wife, Dot Fears. The two have been building tiny houses for four years and have created some really interesting homes for all walks of life.

Byron showed me around after I watched him and another man unload a new set of materials from a truck. It was a beautiful day at 70 degrees and sunny and the tiny homes were out and shining. We walked over to the largest one and I started my live video on Instagram outside of the tiny home. He let me film inside all of the tiny homes I had an interest in and let me ask any questions I may have had. Byron was an eccentric, friendly and knowledgeable builder who had successfully created a business model that works for all walks of life. I saw this through his high end tiny homes (not so tiny homes) all the way to his gypsy wagon and a small trailer home for a homeless person who has been working with SimBLISSity on other projects as well. Byron had everything a person or family could need. I want to buy one now!

After my Live video, I got two seperate messages on my phone asking where they could obtain a tiny home and where the company was located. I was happy to have inspired even just one person with my video of the homes and Byron’s incredible passion towards building them for others.

The live video was over 9 minutes long while he talked in depth about certain aspects of the tiny homes, his company and why they build. The most frustrating thing that happened during this whole time was saving the live video. There was no “save video” button or option on my Instagram when I clicked on the little three dots in the corner. Only “delete live story” or “Story settings” so, obviously, I clicked on story settings. This brought me to a larger page where I could decide where my piece was saved. It had already been set to “save to archive” but my “save to camera roll” was turned off. I quickly turned it on and waited. After one hour I checked my “Photos” and was dissapointed to find that only a screenshot of my video had been saved. After looking online for hours and emailing with Mrs.Ryan, I decided to go to OIT Services at the library. One worker was nice enough to help me out but couldn't figure out why my Instagram wouldn’t let me save my Live story. We did not want to update the app in case it erased my Live for some reason. So, he went into the settings option and turned on “screen share” so I could record what was on my screen at the time. Little did I know, this caused immense space to be used on my phone. My phone is now almost to crashing point (I still have the iPhone 5) but I have my videos on there. Since they are such large screen shares, my email won’t accept them through either attachment or mail drop. I am officially stuck in the middle.

In the end, I will be able to get my produced snap story off of my phone and onto a presentation, but I will have to present my Live aspect from my phone. I cannot figure out any other way to get them off of the phone in time for my presentation tomorrow. I hope it works out!!



Alexander Teufel
CU Boulder CMCI Social Media Storytelling

I am currently a senior at the University of Colorado Boulder with a passion for writing and snowboarding.