Story update #4

Hello everyone!

I cannot believe this is my final blog post. I have learned so much from this social media storytelling experience, I am sad it has to come to an end. From the last update I gave you I have polished my social media story and other social platform elements. My social media story recorded on Snapchat is longer than expected, but I believe that is the perfect length to really see what all goes into a day in the life of an athlete.

  • The Snapchat story is filled with short to long videos and photos.
  • The Twitter portion went great as well, sometimes I tweeted out photos with captions, or sometimes I chose to throw out facts about Brittany & golf in a tweet with emoji’s.
  • Instagram turned out very visually appealing. In addition to posting a photo of Brittany throughout her busy day, I also added a 100–150 word summary at the bottom of the photo that correlates with the photo. I did this eight times so after reading through all of these, one should know a lot about Brittany and her golf career.
  • Facebook Live did pose one problem, the golf course I was filming at did not have the best wifi connection therefore I just recorded the eight minute video on my phone at the course and uploaded it to the social media storytelling Facebook page. I should have thought ahead and made sure the wifi would be stable, but that is just a learning lesson! I am excited for you all to watch the Snapchat video I created, as well as listen to my presentation I will give in 2 weeks.
  • Medium was the perfect platform to update the class on my experiences throughout the process of creating this social media story.



Audrëy Rodríguez
CU Boulder CMCI Social Media Storytelling

Host of "Off The Court" Sports writer for CU social media relations🏈 On-air PA announcer for Colorado women's volleballBroncos PR.