Update #2

Hey everyone! Progress on my story is going well, as one would hope this late in the semester. I have continued to pin on Pinterest really boosting up the visual of the board. I have been playing more with hashtags and creating my own media. For example I posted the same picture of Tim McGraw and Faith Hill with different hashtags (one with her name and one with his) in order to see if these different hashtags gain different followers.

Credit: Billboard.com

The hope being that there will be some data on the effects of hashtags on Pinterest as well as the draw of the male vs. female name. I am going to implement this same strategy on Twitter. I also found a couple of books that hone in on women in country music which I find super exciting so I have been promoting these on both sites. Twitter still proves difficult because, as mentioned, my follower base isn't there so I am hoping some of these bigger hashtags like #countrymusic will draw in some more viewers and boost up my data.

I will be making some more edits to my produced story after feedback (clarifying somethings, intro, conclusion, etc.) that will hopefully tie everything together.



Alexandra Grey Corwin
CU Boulder CMCI Social Media Storytelling

Currently working to combining my passion for travel, environment, and journalism to expand creative expression of related issues. Portland, OR|Boulder, CO