Writing Tips from our Friends at Medium

I’ve found a couple of recent articles on Medium that can help you to think about how to tell your social media stories.

The first comes from the BBC News Labs. It deals with new digital formats for news and suggests things like listicles, short vertical videos, live blogs and more. Check out the link above.

From the BBC’s story “Beyond 800 Words: New Digital Story Formats for News.”

And then there’s Tim Denning’s story on how to be featured on Medium’s Top Stories function. His suggestions? Write with a clear voice and get your writing published in Medium publications to help expand your story reach.

Oh, and write. A lot.

From Tim Denning’s “I’m Consistently Being Featured In Medium’s Top Stories — Here’s How.”

Happy writing!



Kathleen M. Ryan
CU Boulder CMCI Social Media Storytelling

Multimedia journalist. Associate Professor @CUBoulder. Oral historian. Documentary filmmaker. Working on cloning technology.